zelda tp favorite boss

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  • #16
yeah it was especialy cause your like dude i'm about to beat the game like moomoo said earlier
hmmm.....aww definetly Zant
Jeeze at the beggining the guys a dark, mysteroius, pretty scary guy.
Then he takes off the helmet and hes a frigin fish, clown THING, and hes all screaming like a spaz....

The ganon, ganandorf battle kinda dissapointed me though, too easy mabey
Either ganon or the boar riding goblin. Ganon involved a long battle of multiple parts, like fighting on horseback, which was way cool. The goblin also involved multiple parts, on horseback or hand to hand.

Twilight Princess's take on playing chicken is cooool. :yesnod:
My favorite boss was in the Temple of Time when you had to first shoot the spider off the ceiling then using the domination rod, make the statue attack it by pounding it. you have to do it 3 times. Here's the twist: after you defeat the spider, the eye of it is still hopping around...so huess what you have to do. It's also surrounded by the baby spiders. Too easy that part.
The Water Temple Boss! It was like playing shadow of the colosuss all over again!
I liked the ending bosses,
Zelda, Ganon, Ganondorf, and Ganondorf again...
Joe said:
The Water Temple Boss! It was like playing shadow of the colosuss all over again!

shadow of the colossus!! i can still play that game through and not get bored. the near 100% focus on boss battles makes it epic. love it :yesnod:

have you played ico? :arf:
right now as im typing
im on Zelda Puppet and i guess wii sports does come in handy..when you have to hit the yellow orb's back and forth to her..its very annoying.
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  • #29
that part was fun its like the light comes up in the ground and your like holy zora *jumps out of the way* wow almost got hit oh snap a yellow light ball *gets hit in dramatic fashion* *sees midna in distance* nooooooooooo
zelda music play *fwaa waa waa waaaaaaa* lol
they were all agreeably easy yes but i would say All ending Ganon. ( can't zemeber which part) but anyway i think it was first part perhaps. I liekd riding around with Zelda i thought that was just completely Awesome having her actually playing and fighting in the game. well wait **** she kinda did as sheik but .. She was in princess this time so **** it.. that was sweet.