zelda movie in the making!

asdfnick said:
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess. dont call me a n00b. this cartoon if funny, and very zelda oriented, but it isnt very good, especially at representing link. I know gannon is a pig, i just never pictured him as an idiot. Dont just assume things about people that you dont even know. Yes i liked the zelda cartoons, but there is no way i would ever stand up for them by saying they are awesome and politically correct.

I don't need youtube, I'm hardcore, I've got the series on DVD! I've got an idea, lets take a vote. new thread coming soon!:lol:
wiicanada said:
I don't need youtube, I'm hardcore, I've got the series on DVD! I've got an idea, lets take a vote. new thread coming soon!:lol:
i have the dvds too. you must be really hardcore :ciappa:
i was only trying to add a comic relief to my reply to your rediculous comment with the you tube vid. If you watched it, you would know it is a collection of links rediculous catch phrase.
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at least its not THIS bad
it just looks terrible - sure the animated series was crap and this will be too! y not just let a game be a game rather than havin to ruin the franchise? anyone Nintendo wont be too happy with them usuin their title...probaly wihtout their permission.

im no film director or script writer but im sure it would be very hard to make a script or story run so smooth in a movie. FIlm to game ports usually are crap so im assumin that game to movies will be just as crap!

llove zelda though!