Zelda Chicks

el-zilcho said:
haha fair play leakey ....

ur brave to start another thread like this ha ha

yeah why not , im with u dude id root em all

right after im finished with lara croft that its


ahaha...all I can think of is "Grandmas Boy" now!!!!!

oooooooooo Laura Croft whatcha got under that skirt....ooooooo no panties you're a bad girl!!!!!!
I like how you guys always start babbling about how they are only pixels and this is so disgusting and yadayadayada. You're pathetic.

I think Malon was the hottest character in Zelda.
AtomicB said:
And people say the youth these days are stupid! I mean, why would they say that? It's not like they can't distinguish the difference between reality and fiction!

Oh I'm liking you.
Secumfex said:
I like how you guys always start babbling about how they are only pixels and this is so disgusting and yadayadayada. You're pathetic.

I think Malon was the hottest character in Zelda.

do you have a reason why we are pathetic? I see a claim, yet no backing of this claim...

I myself prefer to enjoy the beauty of real girls! Just give me a good reason why we are pathetic
The way you say it, it sounds like it comes from a kid that does neither allow nor understand other opinions.
The answers would be quite the same when someone would start a topic "What do you do to have fun when you're drunk"
Many would simply post stuff like "Alcohol is evil, I'm sad for you" "You can have fun without alcohol!" "How can being drunk be fun? You're wrong!" "Your such a bad person! I won't drink". It's like the perspective of a kid that has learned this stuff and won't accept anything else.
Once I watched some anime's with a friend, his mother and his younger brother. It was Najica, so there were panties from every perspective. Whilest we found this quite amusing, his little brother simply didn't understand why we found it so funny. It was only a cartoon, nothing real.
So what's so disgusting about this thread? What's wrong about discussing the beauty of the characters of a video game.
You say it's only pixels. They're meant to look like something human, something of shape, something of possible beauty. These pixels and polygons are not the thing we're trying to rate.
It's about trying to let your imagination let the pixels come to real life, think about how good they would look as real girls, compare them to basic lines of beauty and your own tastes and judge wether they would look good or not.

Yeah, really disgusting. Shoot yourself or get a girl friend.
didnt we already had thread about this......and there were a lot of arguments.....at the end.......someone chosen Fran from FFXII......
i dont think that the maker of this thread actually believes that one day he may boink a pixel tart , think maybe its just a light hearted observation of his which he'd like to share and discuss so I think to refer to this as perverted is perverted in itself as ......its just a laff people.... #### me !
el-zilcho said:
so I think to refer to this as perverted is perverted in itself

leakey said:
Ok here is another one, who here reckons that Zelda, Midna (human form), canoe chick (with the afro) , fishing chick and that chick that Ashei chick from the resistance are all babes and hot? would u root them if they were real?

I can just feel his appreciation for beauty and respect for women oozing out of him. It's very humbling being in the presence of such an artistic critic!

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