Youtube Videos

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  • #31
cool, i will look for it:)

here is a catchy song.(although im not all that thrilled that it has naruto in it) but it still makes a great vid:)
Neg's Urban Sports....the funniest random idea for a show. Enjoy some of these. If you don't laugh at at least one of these, you've got something wrong with you:p

Burger Bowl Off

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Urban Skittles

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Knock and Don't Run
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

More on YouTube just search Neg's Urban Sports
Hopefully no one is offended by this one, I thought it was hilarious...

For any basketball fans, this is the BEST DUNK IN HISTORY. That guy he jumps over is 7 foot 2!

I can post more later...Ive got so many more favorites.

And btw, that "How to be a Gangsta" vid is HILARIOUS :)
I can't pull the link's now since I'm at school and they have YouTube blocked, but some of my favorites are -

Super Mario Bros. Frustration pt. 1, 2, and 3
Mario in Real Life
Funny DUI
Wussy Skater Fight

that's all I can think of at the top of my head
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  • #36
ok, this one is kinda funny, the song is great, i think. but the way the person changed the lyrics is just funny:)
full moon by sonata artica
blueovalboy7 said:

I was going to post that one too, I know it by heart :)

"I need a double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce,
Dont be frontin son, no seeds on the bun,
We be up in this drive thru, order for two,
I got a craving for a numba nine like my shoe,
We need some chicken up in here, in this hizzle,
For rizzle my nizzle extra salt on my frizzles
Dr. Pepper my brother, another for your mother
Double double super size and dont forget the fries."

Yeah. This used to be really big in my school, I would know it.

I did that without cheating :)
uloseiwin said:
I was going to post that one too, I know it by heart :)

"I need a double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce,
Dont be frontin son, no seeds on the bun,
We be up in this drive thru, order for two,
I got a craving for a numba nine like my shoe,
We need some chicken up in here, in this hizzle,
For rizzle my nizzle extra salt on my frizzles
Dr. Pepper my brother, another for your mother
Double double super size and dont forget the fries."

Yeah. This used to be really big in my school, I would know it.

I did that without cheating :)
Haha that's funny. Yea I watched it like 3 times in a row when I found it, funny stuff. I like how he slows it down, then speeds it up.
Anything by College Humor is GREAT...check out the one they have for the wii 1 sec ill find it

Edit:::here it is

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bumped for divine justice!

Heres one where Howard Stern viewers prank call CNN & C-Span several times

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  • #42
i wish i was this talented. this is the piano cover for the linkin park: what ive done song

Wow.....very cool vid. That's one of those songs that actually sounds really good played on just kinda fits with the tonal voice of a piano, ya know?

Tool works well for that also. Just imagine some Tool songs being played orchestrally. They actually write a lot of their songs as if they were classical pieces....then just play them with modern instruments. It's a very interesting approach to songwritting.........

But's my all time fav[MEDIA][/MEDIA]
I'm gonna betchslap you shetbag!

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