Your usernames!!

My user is kind of a strange one. Yami is japanese for dark or darkness. Riku means land or shore. That is (i think) the literal translation.
Other then that Yami is also the name given to yugi's darkside (the pharoh) in yu-gi-oh and Yami Marik is the name given to marik's darkside.
Riku is also my favourite a charicter from Kingdom Hearts (and my favourite video game charicter altogether). 'Dark mode' is the term given to Riku when he transforms in Chain of Memories (and owns everything).
From there i figured that 'Dark' Riku would translate roughly into 'Yami' Riku and that has since become my user name for many a website/game.
In case you want to get picky, i spell it in lower case because in most fonts, it looks cooler.
So if you think my name is gay, good for you. If you think it is ok, good for you. If you like it, good for you, just don't dream of stealing it.
im a prinny (disgaea) and are dark
easy when you know how
(Oi vei emos are here)
my name was from a freind. he always used to call him self aaa when he played crash bandicoot. i know i know hes got a ps2 and ps1 but hes got xbox and gamecube to and he likes nintendo the best.:D
I just combined two words I thought of randomly (I can't remember them right now... :confused: ), and I liked it. :)
Years back my brother and I created this name from mixing two dwarf names from the hobbit because i needed a name for my dwarf pally on Everquest, been my gamer name since.
I used to be very against slang, until some guy told me I had to get used to it because it is something that won't change. Upon learning cyber groups like to use 3 instead of E, I came up with the alias Cwaazy P3nguin. I used to like this Pokémon called Delibird, which sort of resembles a mischievous debt collecting penguin.
I think enough people of this forum know what Arigato means.

It's thank you in Japanese.

It was the 1st word my friend learned me in Japanese and I liked the way you write it.

I used to have like 574357897 other usernames but this one is my current ( and the longest I ever used =3 ).

Most of the time I use a Anime name of a person I like, Example : Athrun Justice, Asuka Langely, Amane Misa.

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