Well, before i got my username i was struggling to make it, i dint know what ot make it...i tried to make it sound as detailed as possible to describe me best. Unfortunately, i could not include everything i wanted to express and i couldnt fit anything to do with Naruto in my name, as i love the show...anyways, my sig explains what i like so look at that too (i write what ROCKS)
First of all, u notice that in my username, i put a "RPG master"...this means that i love RPG games and am very good at them (my best type of game overall). RPG goes into many other games and topics as well, and i like mostly all of them i play. "Turk" is a shottened term for "Turkish"...as u can tell, i put it there to show ppl that im Turkish and proud; remember, i used words that describe my personality or my background and what not. if i could fit more i owuld, but for now my sig says the rest. The "91" part signifies the year i was born, so i put it on the end to give the name a number. Well, thats my username and thats y i named it that
Ummm...I really want a wii. I usually use coolhandluke but I think it might have been taken or something, 'cause my name is Luke, and I am cool...ok, coolhandluke is a band and I think a movie but I like the band more 'cause I've never seen the movie.
MIne HAs A Strange History... I USed To Be Called +Melee=MAster+ On Another Site, Then It Was +Melee=Maniac+, And Now As You All Know Me Now... +Maniacal=Maniac+...
And My Nickname For My Nickname Has Always Been +M=M+.