Your Top 10 Nintendo Consoles


Gaming Legend
Nov 4, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Wii Online Code
1. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

The lord of all consoles. You can not list the claasics, legends and profits Nintendo made of the SNES series. Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country were highlights for myself as I saw Nintendo showing the world that gameplay was the most important element for a gamer. The Legend of Evermore: A Link to the Past is still held with Super Mario World as one of the greatest games ever to be produced. Without them, Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda: OOT would have ever been created and that's a scary thought to gamer's minds.

The console which some have forgetten had it's life extended by the (sometimes forgotten and underated) Donkey Kong Country Series. The graphics is a best example of pushing a console to it's full power and use. The wonder days of Nintendo and their battles with Sega at the other side. Shame those days are gone...

2. Nintendo 64 (N64)

Despite the poor power of the Nintendo 64 the biggest thing that happened to it was the sheer classics that came from it. It was like the SNES, a classic making machine. Super Mario 64 brought Mario into the 3D with a bang and set down the rules of how games should be made for the future. Multplayer was as good as sex when it came to Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye 007.

Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark were the best shoot them ups for their period and not even Xbox 360's Perfect Dark Zero matched them in storyline and gameplay. But the N64 produced the greatest game of them all, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was a stunning and unbelievable game in its day. It was a game that opened me up to how graphics and gameplay together can produde the perfect game.

3. Game Boy Colour (GBC)

The Game Boy Colour was very successful as it was given the gift of Pokemon. The smartest game I have seen around for years. This entry at No. 3 is to note the "Microsoft like" power that Game Boy had on the world. Killing off every handheld that tried to take it on and the hundreds of games it produced over the years.

The Colour version was only just a stepping stone in the Game Boy series. Mario and Zelda were also part of the success too. I used to play it alot with Pokemon and much joy came from those times.

4. Nintendo DS (DS)

A new kid on the block compared to the higher placed consoles but it's been laying down it's own success by producing new legendary title such as the smart Brain Games that is pulling in the older people which was Nintendo's idea to expand it's profits and gamer's ages.

The touch screen idea and two screen handheld was a big leap away from the Game Boy but it proved to be the big sucesss that Nintendo was banking on. I have enjoyed the DS alot with Mario Kart DS and hoping to see that the Pokemon series and Legend of Zelda will add to the success of the DS to it's future.

5. Game Boy Advance SP (GBA SP)

Just for the reason you could fit it in a pocket was the big reason why I got the SP for that time period. The handheld sold millions of copies and gave the Game Boy the final bow to the world that it respected. The Game Boy's record is something that Microsoft and Sony can never take away.

6. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

All gaming companies have a start and the NES was a wonderful of work when it was released. Super Mario Bros was the first killer title game for Nintendo and helped move the gaming world out of the 1983 video game crash. Selling over 60 millions this had set up Nintendo's future and the path to claiming the video game crown. A console where legends were born.

7. Nintendo Wii (Wii)

The only problem the Wii is the lack of time it has had to prove to be the greatest Nintendo console of all time. Time will show indeed. I have great faith in the Wii with the interactive way of the Wiimote and the stunning Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Wii will need to produce the same amount of classics that the N64 and the SNES did in order to become a great console and a grweat profit for the gaming legendary company. I tip at least a top 4 placing by the end of it's life.

8. GameCube (GC)

The GameCube is seen by myself and others as a disappointing console that could have had more classic games on it. It didn't have the firepower against the Playstation 2 and Xbox that it needed and playing the Game Boy Advance seemed more exciting then this. However a couple gems came out of it. Super Smash Bros. and Mario Party keep the console going and improved from the last console. Nintendo did improve from this console to the next.

9. Game Boy (GB)

After nearly 20 years, it gets hard to stay up the charts as technology goes on. The placing I have given has nothing to do with the path it set for the Colour, Advance and DS. The Game Boy was truly something very successful and fun back in those days. Remember Tertis, one of the most successful games of all time. I still love playing the game today. Without the Game Boy's massive profits, Nintendo could have been killed off by Sony and Microsoft during the tough period of the N64 and mostly the GameCube.

10. Virtual Boy (VB)

Yes, even Nintendo can create stuff ups. The Virtual Boy was a terrible business choice but weith Nintendo, we know them by not playing by the normal rules and opting to create their own path (DS, Wii). The VB was really just a **** version of the Wii. But the console was put down and the Nintendo 64 was made, a step in the right direction.

Of course not everyone will agree to my rankings, that's why people can do their own. This is based on my gaming experience of over, well a long long time lol. Think about what made the console successful and what joy you got out of it.
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dreamcastrocks said:
The original NES at 6???

Might as well dismiss this list now.

Did you read what I said in italics? Not everyone will agree with me. Yes I could have placed the NES up higher, but you can't have 8 consoles in the top 4. It doesn't fit. I didn't spend much time with the NES, It was a consle it created the games we know now. That's the credit it should be given for nowadays.
"poor power of the Nintendo 64"? You do realise that it actually had more power. The Playstation had 32-bit. The N64 had 64-bit.

"The touch screen idea and two screen handheld was a big leap away from the Game Boy". Err, the DS isn't actually part of the Gameboy line. It's handheld but doesn't sport the name Gameboy.

"All gaming companies have a start and the NES was a wonderful of work when it was released." What about Mr game and watch?

"grweat profit"? They'reeeeeeee Grweat! Simply post edit will sort that out. Along with "weith".

"The VB was really just a **** version of the Wii." Erm, I would have thought the VB would have been a stab at virtual reality, whereas the Wii goes nowhere near that concept. If anything, you could say that the innovations of the VB weren't as successful as the Wii's innovations.

Didn't agree with the placings, but good to see thought being put in.
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Squall7 said:
"poor power of the Nintendo 64"? You do realise that it actually had more power. The Playstation had 32-bit. The N64 had 64-bit.

"The touch screen idea and two screen handheld was a big leap away from the Game Boy". Err, the DS isn't actually part of the Gameboy line. It's handheld but doesn't sport the name Gameboy.

"All gaming companies have a start and the NES was a wonderful of work when it was released." What about Mr game and watch?

"grweat profit"? They'reeeeeeee Grweat! Simply post edit will sort that out. Along with "weith".

"The VB was really just a **** version of the Wii." Erm, I would have thought the VB would have been a stab at virtual reality, whereas the Wii goes nowhere near that concept. If anything, you could say that the innovations of the VB weren't as successful as the Wii's innovations.

Didn't agree with the placings, but good to see thought being put in.

1. Yes the N64 had the 64bit graphics but the Playstation and Playstation 2 took care of Nintendo pretty well with games. The Playstation had a more range of good games. The N64 had some classics but they had their fair share of shockers too. Lucky that Nintendo were good game makers and that they had Rare.

2. I still believe it's a leap away from the Game Boy line. The Game Boy line is now finished and the DS line has started. Thus it is connected in some way.

3. I agree the Game and Watch was a starting point for Nintendo. However it didn't get into my top 10. The NES is the mainstream and known starting point for the average joe.

4. Get over it.

5. I agree with your point with the innovations concept and possibly I have been writing too late into the early hours of the night to think this section through. I do stand by the fact it was a bad business move and that I was trying to state the fact of the interactive connection between the Wii and the VB.

Of course you wouldn't agree with my placings because I didn't want you to. As the first post says, please make your own top ten and discuss your own experiences with the consoles.
christicehurst said:
1. Yes the N64 had the 64bit graphics but the Playstation and Playstation 2 took care of Nintendo pretty well with games. The Playstation had a more range of good games. The N64 had some classics but they had their fair share of shockers too. Lucky that Nintendo were good game makers and that they had Rare.
Wouldn't that mean that it was more successful (not more powerful)? Look at the PS3 for example. It's not selling as well as the Wii, dispite being more powerful than it.

2. I still believe it's a leap away from the Game Boy line. The Game Boy line is now finished and the DS line has started. Thus it is connected in some way.
We won't get confirmation on that until the next handheld console is out (whether the DS will be the first of a line of DS'). Other than that, the only real connection between them is the DS can play both DS cards and Advanced carts.

3. I agree the Game and Watch was a starting point for Nintendo. However it didn't get into my top 10. The NES is the mainstream and known starting point for the average joe.
"known" starting point? I think thanx to Smash Bros melee, more people are realising that Nintendo didn't start at the NES. Not that it matters. Although I think changing it to "nintendo's first home venture" would be more accurate.

4. Get over it.
I'm not having a go. Merely pointing out slight mistakes. No bigee.

5. I agree with your point with the innovations concept and possibly I have been writing too late into the early hours of the night to think this section through. I do stand by the fact it was a bad business move and that I was trying to state the fact of the interactive connection between the Wii and the VB.
Fair enough.

Of course you wouldn't agree with my placings because I didn't want you to. As the first post says, please make your own top ten and discuss your own experiences with the consoles.
May do that when I've got a bit more time on my hands. Flooded with work, yet can't keep my concentration on it.
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The Nintendo 64 was more successful then Playstation in terms of creating classics. But Sony have been on Nintendo's tail giving them a hard time in the console battle. Howver that's changing with the Wii

As I will state with future posters, please do not take this as Bible content. It's not meant to be the official top ten. It's just based on one gamer's long time experience. At a number ofg times in my life, I said each of these consoles was 'the damn best thing I have played".

I like to see how others rate the consoles. I hightly rate Game Boy, NES, Game and Watch and even back in 1889 when they were a playing card game maker as the starting blocks for today's success and experience.
1- SNES: just pure classic! better grafics than the nes and a great colection of classics! It´s like a perfect NES, the master console of 2D games. Some great tricks like simulating 3d (star fox) and a console that was pushed to it´s limits.. maybe the only one in game industry (donkey kong country).

2- Nintendo 64: Brought full 3d to games, the analog stick and gave us pure classics: mario64, ocarina of time, waverace, pilotwing64, turok, golden eye, perfect dark, banjo kazzoie, ect ect ect.

3- NES: Where it all began! It could be nº1, but it´s such a dam hard choice to make! Great great classics and pure game play! It gave us the d-pad, it gave us mario, zelda, metroid, metal gear, contra, castlevania, ect ect ect.

4- Game Boy: "where do you play with your game boy?" the master comercial for the greastest handhelds console ever! Everyone was carring it arround playing tetris, mario land or some other game!

5- DS: a revolution in the handhelds! Nintendo gave us another tresaure with such great games and once again.. proved that video games are gameplay in the first place!

6- game boy color and advance: on the same category because they didn´t brought that much. they are cool but not a mark in the industry.

7- game cube: a black page on nintendo history. not revolutionary, not a great colection of classics, they come late in the industry. It´s not bad.. but it´s not n64, snes or the nes.

8- virtual boy: no coments.

Note: the wii is to early to give it a rank position but it could as well be on the top 3 in the future. At least has to potential to do it!

This is my rank. In my opinion a fair and good one. tnx for reading it =)
I loved my Sega, Atari 7800 and old school stuff so.

They only made like 11 systems so.
A top 10 is a little unreasonable. Maybe a Top 3 or 5.
1. Wii
2. DS
3. Gamecube
4. N64
5. GBA
6. NES
7. SNES (never had it though :sad:)
8. GBC
9. Vurtual boy (never had that either)
10. Down to the wire, I'd say GB.
463584. PS3

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