each character must have a reason for fighting in the SSE, post your theories of where each character fits
dedede- after being recruited by tabuu, he noticed the evil he's doing so what he does is take a few trophy people and gives them medals so that when averyone else is turned into a trophy, the medal protect them and turn them back into people.
snake- he's on a mission to investigate whats going on, simple yes?
tabuu- the main villain, he's trying to create posrtals from subspace to the real world and each portal acts as a sort of shield for him and protects him.
ancient minister(rob)- being asked to help out tabuu by placing the bombs in specifi locations for tabuu to build his portal, however, later in the story he can't bear to see his fellow rob's being sacrified for these jobs, so he joins the umm, lets call em anit-sub. anyway rob joins anti-sub to stop the subspace emissary.
sonic- sonic is traveling the world with his speed and notices these portals, so he steps through one to find out whats going on, he kills tabuu and saves the world, who would have thought nintendo's old arch enemy is saving everyone in nintendo's #1 game
those are just a few of my theories, post your theories as well
dedede- after being recruited by tabuu, he noticed the evil he's doing so what he does is take a few trophy people and gives them medals so that when averyone else is turned into a trophy, the medal protect them and turn them back into people.
snake- he's on a mission to investigate whats going on, simple yes?
tabuu- the main villain, he's trying to create posrtals from subspace to the real world and each portal acts as a sort of shield for him and protects him.
ancient minister(rob)- being asked to help out tabuu by placing the bombs in specifi locations for tabuu to build his portal, however, later in the story he can't bear to see his fellow rob's being sacrified for these jobs, so he joins the umm, lets call em anit-sub. anyway rob joins anti-sub to stop the subspace emissary.
sonic- sonic is traveling the world with his speed and notices these portals, so he steps through one to find out whats going on, he kills tabuu and saves the world, who would have thought nintendo's old arch enemy is saving everyone in nintendo's #1 game
those are just a few of my theories, post your theories as well