top 5 reasons why you want it (no spoilers)


May 5, 2007
Waterloo, ontario, canada
Wii Online Code
by Mike Smith

1. Actually, there are over 40 reasons you want it

Link. Zelda. Snake. Mario. Samus. Sonic. Pikachu. Bowser. Kirby. Peach. Wario. Smash Bros. Brawl features a huge list of characters from classic Nintendo games -- and for the first time, favorites from non-Nintendo hits like Sonic the Hedgehog and Metal Gear join the party. Each comes with special attacks, props, sound effects and signature moves. Snake has even brought along his all-important cardboard box: no Special Forces agent leaves home without it.
2. Smash yourself

Smash Bros. games usually opt for multiplayer madness over single-player content. Not so with Brawl, which includes a solo Adventure Mode called "Subspace Emissary." Written by a designer culled from the Final Fantasy games, it's the perfect way to hone your skills before humiliating your friends, and if you get too lonely, you can even team up with a friend to take on the evil Subspace Army cooperatively.
3. Play with the world

That's not to say that Brawl doesn't have plenty of multiplayer content. In fact, it has more than any other Super Smash Bros. game to date. Not only can you enjoy four-player matches on one console you can also use the Wii's wireless networking to take on players from your Wii friends list or the world at large. You can even capture replay footage of your victories and mail it to your rivals in the ultimate of trash-talking hijinks.
4. Choose your weapon

Smash Bros. Brawl supports either the Wii remote (and optional connected Nunchuk) or a GameCube controller. Which is better? Depends on who you talk to. Feedback from our office multiplayer sessions indicate some players prefer the classic feel of the older GameCube pad, but others opt for the more precise digital controls of the Wiimote. Thankfully, there's none of this new-fangled waving, shaking, or pointing of the controller either: it's buttons all the way.
5. It's already a million-seller

After going on sale in Japan on Jan 31 and being awarded a perfect score from respected gaming magazine Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. has already made its way into the homes of over one million consumers. Can it repeat that success when it launches in the U.S. on March 9? Considering the buzz this title's already receiving, you'd be a fool to bet against it.

is it just me or do people making these kind of articles for smash suck at it?

1.i agree with, the roster's pretty kick ass
2. yup i agree again, this is good for a number 2 spot, sse looks awesome
3. yeah i guess since online's important to some people, understandable
4. okay so i'm going to buy a game just because it has 4 options to play? i'm sure nobody's going to want this game just for this reason, just an awesome add-on
5. yeah i guess software sales might impact someone's decision, i wouldn't put it in the top 5 reasons why you might want this,

i would have put music as number 4, and number 5 being that this game sums up all of nintendo's games in one, with at's, demo's, trophies, stickers etc.
1)Characters- Most of my old favorites returning, with plenty of exciting new brawlers. And let's not forget Sonic and Snake!
2)Stages- All the good stages return, and Stage builder looks like one of the most promising features this time around.
3)Music- 3-5 songs on almost every stage means you won't get tired of hearing the same music over and over again on jungle japes.
4)SSE- No words need to be said; this mode looks awesome.
5)Online- To which I say: IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME.
mushroomedmario said:
is it just me or do people making these kind of articles for smash suck at it?

...what was wrong with the article? seemed pretty solid to me, and you yourself agreed with every point.
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AoWFraggit said:
...what was wrong with the article? seemed pretty solid to me, and you yourself agreed with every point.

i didn't agree with number 4 at all, and i don't think number 5 is good enough to be on the list, music should imo, been ahead of the last two things
I mostly am getting it because its Super Smash Bros :lol:

But Brawl includes things I would have never thought could be included in the series, a nice story mode and online play. Music is not that big to me either, its a nice bonus though.
1. 'With Friends' online play feature.
2. Multiplayer adventure mode (Subspace Emissary).
3. Build your own stage feature.
4. New character selections.
5. New stage selections.

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