Your graphical thought process?


WiiChat Member
Jan 31, 2007
I didn't want to put this in the SOTW thread because that one's mainly for the sigs, but I was curious to know what kind of thought process you guys go through when making your graphics?

For me, my final version never looks like what I intentionally had thought up in my head. I start with a vague idea and modify it until I'm happy with the final version. I try to use a lot of different PS brushes to see what I can come up with.
NICE IDEA!! I was thinking of making a thread like this right when I found it.

I really need some brushes. I use more blur techniques and filters more than straight-up brushing for my bg. Renders give me ideas, not the other way around too.

hm..... I usually like a gradient overlay. I will also incorporate a less opaque layer as well. I tend to like text too...

That's all I can think of so far.
I need inspiration tbh, with me it's all about finding the right render to the mood that I'm in. But I really couldn't think in step by step. I usually work on the background, starting off with a black/white background, smudging duplicates of the render, putting in c4ds, using brushes to add a nice touch... then I'll add some lighting with a brush set to soft light, and using other effects. Add text. Then I'll use some gradient overlays, and muck around with the colour and levels til it's how I like it. New layer, Ctrl+A, Edit, Stroke, 1 px Black, Finished :] Practicially it really :] sounds so simple...
what size do you guys start with?

mine is 392x122. Add a 4 pixel border and just get under the stupid wiichat limits.
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I dont have a defined size that I like to work with. I just pick one that I think will suit the given topic.

Also, you can get a grip of free brushes from

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