Your dream final Virtual Console update

SEGA 32X/CD games to be included*
1. SSB64 1200 pts. (N64)
2. Sonic CD 1000 pts. (SEGA CD)
3. Knuckles Chaotix 900 pts. (32X)
4. Fatal Fury Special 900 pts. (Neo Geo)
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
Crono Trigger (SNES)
Terranigma (SNES)
naisatoh said:
Problem with these threads is that I doubt anyone actually reads the entries above their own.
The OP usually does. If they dont, the thread is useless really. =/
SHAQ FU!!!!!:crazy: ,just kidding,chrono trigger(snes),kirby superstar(snes),castlevania symphony of the night(sega saturn),killer instinct(snes) and many more
Symphony of the Night FTW
Nice choice, Bravo.
yeah it´s an excellent game and it would be even better if it came out for the virtual console because the saturn version has more stuff like weapons and bosses
Yeah, I have it on my 360.
1. Goldeneye 007 (N64)
2. Super Tecmo Bowl (SNES)
3. WCW/nWo Revenge (N64)
Tails McCloud~ said:
SEGA 32X/CD games to be included*
1. SSB64 1200 pts. (N64)
2. Sonic CD 1000 pts. (SEGA CD)
3. Knuckles Chaotix 900 pts. (32X)
4. Fatal Fury Special 900 pts. (Neo Geo)

Question: why would SSB be 1200 points?
They made Sin & Punishment 1,200 because it was a good game, why not SSB?
Tails McCloud~ said:
They made Sin & Punishment 1,200 because it was a good game, why not SSB?

No, they made it 1,200 because it was an import game.

If that were the case, Ocarina of Time would've been 1,200 points. but it's the standard 1,000.
I had that in mind too but I couldnt remember if the other imports were bumped up too.
Tails McCloud~ said:
They made Sin & Punishment 1,200 because it was a good game, why not SSB?

There are a few good games on the VC
I know, he pointed out that I was wrong, LAY OFF!!!

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