You Know You're a Wii Addict If...

When there's a gang circling you and you try to flip to 2D so they make a straight line and you can jump on them.
Koncept said:
When there's a gang circling you and you try to flip to 2D so they make a straight line and you can jump on them.

lol, i like that one. i'm also intrigued by the thought that there would be someone in danger from a gang, and their thought process is "let me get my wii controller!".
When you played TP for 50 hours straight then went outside and started smacking people with the Wii Remote

When at a farm you pick up some grass and try to make the horses come running toward you

Your Wii is wearing a bulletproof vest and a life jacket

When you stopped sleeping so you get beat all 20 of your Wii games over the weekend

Your Mii is your best friend followed by no one

When you bought your Wii you also bought a king size bed for it

You had a GPS planted in your Wii in case you ever lost it

You take your Wii for walks

You carved your name then a heart then Wii in the tree in your backyard

You play cards with your Wii

You have more Wii remotes than friends... or family

You consider your job at McDonald's your secondary job protecting the Wii is your main priority

You can't write with pencils anymore Wii Remotes just work so much better

You came to your school one day after you realized you had no friends and tried to shoot up the place but the school bully beat the s**t out of you because you brought a Wii Remote and Nunchuck your teacher just laughed

You starved yourself for 9 months to save up fro the Wii and games

You have your house set up so the Wii Remote controls everthing

After playing Red Steel you come up from your mom's basement and pretend you are controlling yourself, the sad thing... you execute all the moves according to the controls you use

When baking food you just sit back and make the motions with the wii remote then finally give up and say "It was easier when cooking mama was there"

When you are getting the s**t beaten out of you by the bully you keep jumping and say "damn their heads are to high... I'll have to find a set of stairs
Haha when your watching a T.V. show and pick up the Wiimote instead of the remote control to try and change the channel.

Whenever you point at something you have to have the Wiimote in your hand.

Before you start to play a game on the Wii you have to wear a costume that makes you look like the main character of that game.

For Halloween you wear a costume shaped like a Wiimote.
When you try to turn on another console to only see yourself tilting the controler 180 degrees and not touching the analog stick