you know whatd be awesome?


Nov 21, 2007
Suburbia *shivers*
Wii Online Code
Well if you dont i do. RSS on the wii, I know theres a hack for RSS on the wii but for that you need a constantly on computer which i dont have. Now if wii had a RSS channel thatd be awesome, if you agree sign the thread :D
you know a RSS channel actually wouldnt be that bad, not only would u have nintendo given u up to the min news, but u can also have it so gamers themselves can have and share podcasts....i think it would be interesting.
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like i mentioned before there is a hack you can do but you need an email with smtp capabilities like gmail and a pc thats always on it even has the disc tray blink to notify you that youve got a new rss feed. i thought about it when i was on the news channel today and it just hit me how sucky the news channel they have is.
Yea. I'm sure there are online RSS programs that you can log into via the wii and have them that way.

I agree that a RSS Channel would be sweet... right next to a Community channel.

Hopefully WiiWare will be the solution to all our problems.
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yeah i always thought downloadable game demos would be sweet like how they have it on xbox live.
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RSS is like a subscription to a newspaper so something similar. but it can be with anything like right now i use allot of webcomix rss feeds and just get the comic sent to my rss section of my firefox browser. but id like it on the wii because the news channel on the wii reeeeally dosent have anything good on it like lifehacker, cnet, techdirt, and slashdot. got it? good.
yon2501 said:
Well if you dont i do. RSS on the wii, I know theres a hack for RSS on the wii but for that you need a constantly on computer which i dont have. Now if wii had a RSS channel thatd be awesome, if you agree sign the thread :D

I'm not sure if this would work or if they make one for the Wii but...

there is a device called the R4 Revolution made for the Nintendo DS and DS Lite that supply's the codec to play games and other media content that you download from your computer and store on an SD card. you simply drag and drop almost any media file type (game, movie, MP3, even home made games) to any sized SD card through an SD card reader, then you insert the soft ware (it is designed to fit right into the game slot and looks like any other DS game). This supplys the Nintendo codec that unlcoks the ability to view, listen, and play downloaded media.

check out my post in the "Must Haves!" thread for info from the site I got mine on. I dont want to repost it here cuz people will start accusing me of being a spammer.

hope this is useful to someone...
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well there is a way to convert media for the wii and view it through the photo channel but it really dosent support very common file types, example: it dosent have any mp3 codecs. but that wasnt exactally what were talking about here....actually it has absolutely nothing to do with what were talking about here.
"RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed," "web feed," or "channel," contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.
RSS content can be read using software called an "RSS reader," "feed reader" or an "aggregator." The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds."

Wikipiedia, DUH