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The Netflix streaming was what finally nudged me over the edge to get the Wii. I guess I find it funny that I end up using it to play the games as much as to watch stuff on Netflix. 
SSBFreak... This computer's pretty new (last August) so the specs are good: quad-core processor, 6GB RAM, 1TB hard drive... But I can play Minecraft just fine on my previous computer too (from Dec. 2005), a Compaq with 2GB RAM and some "regular ole" processor I don't remember the speed of. Probably about 80GB hard drive space on that old one.
The only issue with the older computer is that it's hooked up to a slightly older LCD monitor and the night-time in Minecraft is a bit hard to see. The LED monitor on the new computer is MUCH brighter for night-time work in Minecraft.
As for the Wii wheels I got ... Since I knew what a "real" one looked and felt like, I realized I didn't need to buy THE Nintendo brand for this accessory. I found a deal on Amazon for two wheels (white, one with red grips and the other with blue) for about $12 ... and since I ordered a second Wii remote in the same order, I got free shipping. I think the Nintendo brand wheels are running just under $10 each on Amazon right now. The ones I got have good customer reviews, if that even matters for a piece of plastic....
Am hitting a different Walmart today, since I have to be in that area of town anyway, and maybe they'll have Twilight Princess in stock....
SSBFreak... This computer's pretty new (last August) so the specs are good: quad-core processor, 6GB RAM, 1TB hard drive... But I can play Minecraft just fine on my previous computer too (from Dec. 2005), a Compaq with 2GB RAM and some "regular ole" processor I don't remember the speed of. Probably about 80GB hard drive space on that old one.
The only issue with the older computer is that it's hooked up to a slightly older LCD monitor and the night-time in Minecraft is a bit hard to see. The LED monitor on the new computer is MUCH brighter for night-time work in Minecraft.
As for the Wii wheels I got ... Since I knew what a "real" one looked and felt like, I realized I didn't need to buy THE Nintendo brand for this accessory. I found a deal on Amazon for two wheels (white, one with red grips and the other with blue) for about $12 ... and since I ordered a second Wii remote in the same order, I got free shipping. I think the Nintendo brand wheels are running just under $10 each on Amazon right now. The ones I got have good customer reviews, if that even matters for a piece of plastic....
Am hitting a different Walmart today, since I have to be in that area of town anyway, and maybe they'll have Twilight Princess in stock....