Xbox India boss quits may join Nintendo to oversee Wii launch in India


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Phil Harrison isn't the only game exec to recently leave his former employee and end up elsewhere! Xbox India boss Mohit Anand oversaw the Xbox 360 launch there and was one the most recognizable faces in India's quickly growing gaming industry. A few days earlier, he made the unexpected announcement that he would be leaving the company. Rumors swirled that he'd be heading up Nintendo's effort to bring the Wii to India. If true, that's pretty much make Anand the go-to-guy for launching stuff on the Indian subcontinent! Says Anand:

There are rumors and speculations floating around for that as well, but all I will say is that right now I am not going to be making any formal announcements as to where I am headed. But whatever I do will be in the cusp of entertainment, convergence, youth, gaming. It's all there.

I am not going to suddenly start selling rockets.

Not that there's anything wrong with selling rockets! But where exactly will Anand end up? Hey, bet Infograme's keen on India!

yeahhhhh!!! now theres is an indian in ninty!!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
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iOwnage said:
Haha, vashivihan! I bet you're proud!

brings tears to me eyes! its a good thing too because 360 is already out in India and it would be better if wii was there. The last ninty console india was snes i think.
Oh yea we are moving up the food chain now!!!!

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