Xbox 720 etc.

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Hmm. thats what i was thinking about the gloves thing. It will probably have somthing extreamly cool like that thats why i want to know to save up or just buy a 360 so i can be first in line :p
i want the next 360 to be just like this 360 with playing the game, unless they have someone TRULY great, aka virtual reality thats not gimmicky
the 360 here is $650 double would be $1300, the ps2 was released at $700 with the ps3 being a $300 jump $950 - $1000 seems a fair estimate to me
Wii17 said:
the 360 here is $650 double would be $1300, the ps2 was released at $700 with the ps3 being a $300 jump $950 - $1000 seems a fair estimate to me
i could be wrong but i think their talking in US$?

oh now i saw that post
hmm i think its to tough to say for anyone to even disregard a price
Wii17 said:
the 360 here is $650 double would be $1300, the ps2 was released at $700 with the ps3 being a $300 jump $950 - $1000 seems a fair estimate to me

K, but the premium 360 in the U.S. is $399. And $1000 AUD would be around $780 in the U.S.

I am more than positive that the next Xbox will not be $780 dollars.
i dont know but i am ready for a new generation of systems because it seems like this generation of systems are always having technical difficulties but i think that game system are getting more cheaply made every five years