Wrist Strap Recall

bluescythe said:
I have seen on BBC news that nintendo might recall some of their wii consoles because of the hazards they cause to children and adults.This will give the chance to sony and microsoft to exceed nintendo. This is giving me a change of mind on whether to buy a wii or another console. Please tell me if this is true.

They don´t recall the cosoles.
/ the BBC reported Nintendo were to recall 3.2 million Wii wrist straps /

It is indeed correct that the Straps are delicate. And thay they might break soon... But that doesn´t mean that the console in faulty...

I called yesterday Ninetndo about that my Wrist Strap broke (see my thread). and they will send me a new one for free.

I agree with wii.ndi. I mean, people think that if they have a strap, they can not loose the control. And if they do, the fault if from Nintendo.....:eek:ut:

What people must realize is that the remote is NOT a bat, NOT a golfstick, it is a REMOTE! So hold on to it. don´t loose it.....
But you can not blame a company what YOU break....Should I sue the constructor of my house, If I slam the frontdoor and crash the cristals????

I can essure you, that your are 100% save with the Wii... I am not saying this because I have one (I didn´t know about the Wii until two weeks ago). I just say it from experience that The Wii is great fun for the family....
If you check on Nintendo's site nothing has to be sent in to them. Just fill out a form and they will mail new wrist straps...up to 4 of them per registrant.

I think, even though this is usually an over excited user's fault...they are handling it great!
it's great, although i've never had a problem throwing the remote... i'm going to get myself some. never know when one of my friend's my toss it.

and unfortunately for me, flyingwii.com is doomed with the straps being replaced.
a UK replacment?

first message so bear with me.

does anyone know for certain that Nintendo UK are replacing the wrist straps and if so how one contacts them. I phoned the number given by the BBC and they denied that they were replacing them.

The US web site has a form to fill in but the UK/Europe site does not appear to have such a form.

Any help much appreciated.
I got one of the first Wii but after a few minutes playing the strap broke and the controller shot off and hit my partner in the face resulting in two broken teeth. She slipped at the same time falling into the TV set and smashing the screen. The TV was plugged into the surround sound system and consequently pulled it over and smashing into my CD and DVD collection. I advise anyone to be careful of the wii
Jenny Howard, Beijing China
For anyone here who's interested:

Nintendo said:
Nintendo is offering to replace the original version of the wrist straps for the Wii Remote with a newer version.
If you have an original version of the strap, please complete the form below to get a replacement
Once your replacement wrist strap has shipped, you will receive a confirmation email from Nintendo. We expect to begin shipping replacement straps around December 21st. It will take 5 to 9 days for delivery depending on your location.

this is good news. i heard about the recall on the news this morning and immediately went to play my wii. only to have my brother bowl the wiimote right into the wall haha. at least he bowled a strike :)
Natsmura said:
first message so bear with me.

does anyone know for certain that Nintendo UK are replacing the wrist straps and if so how one contacts them. I phoned the number given by the BBC and they denied that they were replacing them.

The US web site has a form to fill in but the UK/Europe site does not appear to have such a form.

Any help much appreciated.
sorry man, but this is strictly US and Canada because Nintendo was smart enough to realize the problem after all of these issues came up in North America, so they replaced all of the old straps with new ones in time for Europe and Japan launch. So basically, if you can break a strap in Europe, you're REALLY getting into the game :nono:
phatboix91 said:
sorry man, but this is strictly US and Canada because Nintendo was smart enough to realize the problem after all of these issues came up in North America, so they replaced all of the old straps with new ones in time for Europe and Japan launch. So basically, if you can break a strap in Europe, you're REALLY getting into the game :nono:

I'm not sure if that correct, cause I've looked at the old and new straps (see picture) and it appears that mine is the old one, and i live in Australia. I'd like to see new straps here too. If Canada and The United States get them, so should the rest of the world tbh.
finally got an answer from nintendo uk - apparently you have to email wiiwriststrap@codestorm.co.uk giving your name and address and # of new straps you need.

and yes the first UK wiis did ship with the old straps rather than the UK toughened ones!
I just requested 4 wrist straps, not that I own more then 2 wiimotes, and not like I'll break the first ones, but hey... now I got me a couple of souvenir keychain/cellphone Nintendo straps. :D

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