bluescythe said:I have seen on BBC news that nintendo might recall some of their wii consoles because of the hazards they cause to children and adults.This will give the chance to sony and microsoft to exceed nintendo. This is giving me a change of mind on whether to buy a wii or another console. Please tell me if this is true.
They don´t recall the cosoles.
/ the BBC reported Nintendo were to recall 3.2 million Wii wrist straps /
It is indeed correct that the Straps are delicate. And thay they might break soon... But that doesn´t mean that the console in faulty...
I called yesterday Ninetndo about that my Wrist Strap broke (see my thread). and they will send me a new one for free.
I agree with wii.ndi. I mean, people think that if they have a strap, they can not loose the control. And if they do, the fault if from Nintendo.....
What people must realize is that the remote is NOT a bat, NOT a golfstick, it is a REMOTE! So hold on to it. don´t loose it.....
But you can not blame a company what YOU break....Should I sue the constructor of my house, If I slam the frontdoor and crash the cristals????
I can essure you, that your are 100% save with the Wii... I am not saying this because I have one (I didn´t know about the Wii until two weeks ago). I just say it from experience that The Wii is great fun for the family....