Wow... Metroid.. I want to know the story

This stupid "rep" **** is worse than those myspace fags...get some lives people.Do you actually feel better as a human being for being repped on a third rate Wii site?Why turn a whole thread about one simple question that was answered in the 2nd post into a rep war...pathetic.

Be sure not to REP me for any reason as it's pointless.
tanooki said:
This stupid "rep" **** is worse than those myspace fags...get some lives people.Do you actually feel better as a human being for being repped on a third rate Wii site?Why turn a whole thread about one simple question that was answered in the 2nd post into a rep war...pathetic.

Be sure not to REP me for any reason as it's pointless.
i wouldn't call this a 3rd rate rep site, but i have to agree with you that the more rep bars i see on someone, the less i almost respect them.
gibbonman said:
You've got quite a few rep bars FWLER, maybe you would LIKE SOME MORE?!
personally i don't care. i tend to answer questions and get them in incriments of 1, but recently TLC repped me and it added a whole bar in one go. :crazy:
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I actually didn't know you guys were that sensitive about this whole reputation thing.. Cuz I don't even care :p
So if I don't care, it's better give it to everyone than not giving everyone, right? That was my point.

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