Would you pay?

cimbom said:
You guys are taking Wii Sports for granted.. Remember, no other system had a bundled game with it. Some of you say 5 bucks.. Come on, I would say its a $30 game.

sory man but I really would place the game at 30bucks, it not worth that much, yes its fun, but its kinda of a quiky by nintendo, they didn't but detail, basically your simple basic 3d modeling(circles and squares) Thats what I think. and plus online with wii sports would be cool all in all but you can only really play with 4 peeps so there wouldn't be much fun in that.:p
cimbom said:
You guys are taking Wii Sports for granted.. Remember, no other system had a bundled game with it. Some of you say 5 bucks.. Come on, I would say its a $30 game.
360, Hexic HD? free demo's and arcade game trials?
Wii_Smurf said:
Yeah. I'd buy the Upgrade for 400 anyways [Though 300 is better lol] and I'd prefer to verse people all over the world. Get a head set and it'd be Swank I tell you that much!
But hey 200 is better too! or maybe 100! no 50 that sounds right!no how about FREE!!!
No I would not pay full price for the same game with online capabilities. I would however pay full price for a sequel. Wii sports featuring maybe games like Basketball, volleyball, football, dodgeball and stuff whatever they came up with as long as it was different...that'd be worth it.
Id deffinately pay 10, it would be far more fun and i would spend way more time on it then about every vc game...actually id pay 50, but id say 10 is fair

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