Worth it?

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SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTFFFFFF?!!!! IS your problem??
T3kNi9e said:
If you are ANTI-Sony/Microsoft then you basically hate them, so it would be the same as you loving the Nintendo.
No, it means I hate Sony and Microsoft. There's a huge different between "nothing but Nintendo!" and "anything but Sony and Microsoft!". Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Which means even if they actually have better games, or anything is better you will not want to acknowledge that or will never admit to it because you hate them.
Again, you show your ignorance. Not only do I agree that many games on the PS3 and XBox are better than what's on the Wii, and the fact that both have superior graphics and superior online play, but I've said as much many times on this forum and elsewhere. So not only am I not a fanboy by the real definition, I'm not one by your own twisted definition either.

What exactly is your problem?
sremick said:
No, it means I hate Sony and Microsoft. There's a huge different between "nothing but Nintendo!" and "anything but Sony and Microsoft!". Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Again, you show your ignorance. Not only do I agree that many games on the PS3 and XBox are better than what's on the Wii, and the fact that both have superior graphics and superior online play, but I've said as much many times on this forum and elsewhere. So not only am I not a fanboy by the real definition, I'm not one by your own twisted definition either.

What exactly is your problem?

Okay, so if you think Xbox and PS3 has better games. Why so much Sony/Microsoft hate?

Also, I can assure you I don't have a problem. I enjoy starting up arguements and debates. Its what makes forums fun. Without debates and arguements I would not even post on forums. That and I like to help people who ask questinos about things. Im actually playing CoD2 and then I check this website in between games while im searching for another game.

Which btw im about to go afk again because im starting a new game...
T3kNi9e said:
Okay, so if you think Xbox and PS3 has better games.
Not entirely. I said some of the games. It's not a universal thing. Some Wii games are better than XBox/PS3.

There's more to a game than just better graphics.

Why so much Sony/Microsoft hate?
Microsoft is a monopoly convicted of illegal practices many times over the years. Their product line in-general sucks and they succeed only by some of the most disgusting and underhanded tactics. Mostly though they succeed via inertia. Having been in the computer field all my working life (over 15 years), I've grown irritated in the low-quality of their software, their shady business practices, and how much they make my life unnecessarily difficult. There are almost always better options out there, but people continue to hand them wads of cash for their substandard stuff simply because they're "Microsoft".

Sony sucks for three reasons. One, their products are of mediocre quality for what you pay... mostly you're paying for the "Sony" brand name (a lot like BOSE) while the same amount of money would get you something much-better from a different company. Second, they are notorious for always trying to come out with their own proprietary formats for everything that the industry has already come out with a standard for (Betamax vs. VHS, MMCD vs. DVD, MiniDisc, Memory Stick vs. MMC/SD/CF/etc, UMD, and Blu Ray which has unfortunately won despite HD-DVD being better for consumers). And finally, there was the whole rootkit fiasco which was the nail in the coffin... any company who considers that behavior to be "okay" should be sued out of existence. Of course, they can afford better lawyers than end users, so all Sony got was a gentle slap on the wrist.
Okay you hate Microsoft and Sony because of certain things, I understand. I woud hate those things you listed also. But to basically cut yourself off from them completely because of certain things IMO is overboard. Microsoft nor Sony effect you directly since it can be avoided. But even though Microsoft is shady its not going to stop me from buying certain Microsoft things. Sony is a good company, their hardware usually is good and lasts long. So when I buy a TV and I see a Sony, im not reluctant to buy it just because of some of the things they have done. Now if Sony were to put me personally out of business somehow then I would hate them and avoid them.

Also you cannot hate Microsoft because they are "shady". Trust me all business seem "shady" but its a business and you do everything within your power to succeed. If their software is low quality then dont buy it, but dont avoid the whole Microsoft company just because their are certain background qualities you do not like. I see Microsoft as one of Americas biggest huslters when it comes to big companies. I support Microsoft because of this and because its an American company. But in reality i dont buy Microsoft products because of that, I buy it because they're good and they tend to be the best. Though I will admit Vista sucks, but oh well, you accept it and move on. Atleast I know Microsoft has good customer support.

I would bet anything Nintendo has done some things that were morally wrong. Every company has to do it to succeed, or else you shouldn't be running a big company.
Then you and I have different values then. I refuse to support a company that has demonstrated a severe level of lacking morals, business ethics, and has a habit of abusing their consumers. Regardless of the quality of their products. Although I would also disagree with your take on the quality of Microsoft products, but you're welcome to your own opinion and that's not a debate for these forums anyhow.
sremick said:
business ethics

probably the funniest phrase ever created.:lol:

though i do agree that some companies display more "ethics" than others.
Heh, yeah I dont personally care for their ethics. As long as it doesn't make me suffer. Besides, if they started to become a true monopoly and charge way to high for something I just wont buy it, simple as that. Ive never bought a PC that costs over $500 and never will. I also never actually buy Microsoft software. Not because I think it sucks, but because I personally dont need all that bs. But if MS released something that I wanted, I would trust it. Ive never had any problems with customer support or MS products.
cRaSh115 said:
Guess who else doesn't like Microsoft, or will NEVER own a PC. :lol:
I consider the term "PC" to be OS-agnostic. ;)

As far as I'm concerned, I have a PC even though it doesn't run Windows.
Personal Computer. Mac? It's still a PC. Just a marketting attempt to sound different.

Ipod: A portable hard drive.
Politicians: People who desire power above all else.
sagema said:
Personal Computer. Mac? It's still a PC. Just a marketting attempt to sound different.
Agreed. They're all "PCs". But some PCs run Windows, some don't.

Ipod: A portable hard drive.
Disagree. Unlike "PC", iPod is not a generic term, it's an Apple product. Nor is it a "portable hard drive". I have 4 portable USB hard drives within arm's length right now and none are iPods or even play music.
I call a Windows PC a "PC" :p Because most PC's on the market run on Windows. Like if I drive down to Circuit there are no Macs or Linux OS PC's.