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$?wii?$ said:ive been on other forums and some of the Americans that recieved thier wii's today arent very happyalot of people are complaining about:
1) flaws in red steel {dissapointed coz i was going to get that game!}
2) about how the motion sensor is too sensitive and isnt working correctly
3) complaining that there arms get too tired easily
4) some people have recieved faulty Wii's and have to return them to get a new one
there are more but i cant remember them now.
so is it really worth spending money on such a machine?
P.S I am not a fanboy BUT i do hate it when people say that 'Atleast its cheaper than a PS3'. Well i honestly think that the PS3 is worth it, as your not just getting a games console but you are getting an entertainment system but thats another argument...
1) if you suck at fps, you suck at fps no matter what the controls are like. Red Steel isn't flawed, just a lot of whiney controller fpsers out there who haven't touched pc games apparently and refuse to allow themselved to get use to it.
2) Mine isn't sensitive. And if it was, I would check to make sure I have it set properly depending on wether the bar is above or below my tv, and then u can even change the sensitivity manually.
3) I have never heard anyone complain there arms get too tired easily playing wii. If someone has, I think it has more to do with there physique than anything.
4) Do you realize how many wii's were shipped? It would be a first time miracle if there wasn't a bunch of faulty ones. There is with every electrical product that comes out, could be from shipping, could be factory issue. You just aren't use to hearing a collective like you are now via these forums.