Worst Game

games that suck in my opinion.

Any game directly based off of a movie or tv show.

Any traditional sports game.

Any game from EA... sorry if any one from ea is on the forum,

any game based on ww2... sorry it gets old and just doesent do it for me. Give me a elf girl with a sword any day.

Animal Crossing.... sorry that game was ug. I never played it, my roomate played it alot, and whenever he did, i would ask him to play something else becuse that game was soooo boring to watch.

My most favorit games.

Prince of persia next gen 1 and 3. the animations and gameplay were sexxxy.

Zelda games... all of them except for ones made by philips cdi.

Rpg's in general ( square enix )

Metal gear solid

resident evil

soul caliber

Kingdom hearts 1&2 ( I would play it if I had a ps2) I hope 3 comes to wii as square enix is camping to see who will win the console war before it says what system its going to be on.

ecco, all of them

halflife 1&2


oops listed more then what was on gamecube...
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Definately Wario World! If anyone reading this thread is thinking of getting it dont. Its like a Zelda game but with a drunken dwarve as a character And animal crossing is realy realy realy boring to watch but that is probably one of
the longest lasting games on this earth!
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White-Wolf said:
Animal Crossing.... sorry that game was ug. I never played it, my roomate played it alot, and whenever he did, i would ask him to play something else becuse that game was soooo boring to watch.

Oh... My... GAWDZ0Rhudsajisdok=!!!

I LOVED Animal Crossing and rented it for 3 months (haha, didn't feel like buying it) and played it like everyday for at least 2 hours... at first my friend told me it was an awesome game and when I saw it I said it looked boring and childish but once I rented and played it, I got really into it.

It did get boring a little after the second month I had it.

But still, I can't wait till Animal Crossing comes out on Wii but I guess AC:WW will last me until then... haha, I'm ashamed of playing it.. and enjoying it so much.

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