worried about future of wii

I'm actually looking forward to the future of the Wii when game designers find and use the full potential of motion sensing for improving games
I just posted the best post in existence.

And then it didn't post.

Now I am sad.

Just believe me, the Wii will keep up to snuff, there's nothing to worry about.
I'll wait for the second generation of games to come out before I decide its future. By then, the Wii should have a larger market share and there should be even better games coming out as the developers get more familiar with the hardware. What I'm really hoping for on the virtual console is a release of some of the old SNES & Genesis RPGs, such as the Mana series, Phantasy Star, Shining Series, etc... though I can think of at least 4 launch games I'm interested in getting. No, I don't have the Wii yet, (just don't have $250 to blow right now.) I'll be getting mine in December or January.
ocdan said:
Well I bet nintendo is keeping secrets as to what new companies will be jumping the Wii bandwagon just for the new way of playing.

Square's contract with sony is almost up as well sooooo:thumbsup:

Lol, can u just imagine all the nintendo guys at a meeting just like, crap... we need more games NOW! I don't think that people will believe our "secrets" story for much longer
this was

a thought the same as when the ds released, and look how it's flurished.

in time the wii could do the same, or it could flop. either way it doesn't matter. there are countless things this system can do. lets just hope the developers use the wii to its full potential.

mr. fu man chu said:
not to mention the future of wii may also have old games with a new twist on them I'm hoping for a dynasty warriors:wii where you woul actually hack and slash through the ammounts of troops then using like an uppurcut motion on nunchuk-mote to do an in air combo IT WOULD BE SO COOL, oh and btw for original thread maker Assasins Creed is being made for the wii ubisoft leaked info on it
OMG r u SERIOUS!!!! I saw a trailer for this and it looks utterly AMAZING check it out on youtube guys, it will most likely offer up some of the greatest online play


Btw could i get a confirmation on this??? like a link please?
1st - I agree, Homesrfan, it is old

2nd - There do need to be more games and I'm sure that Nintendo's got something up their sleeve. Though there needs to be some sort of Star Wars Lightsaber fight game...that would be awesome.
i think the wii will do great. i agree with all those guys saying "they're not releasing any secrets" and stuff like that. it'll probly come out with something that will knock the PS3 onto its A55. but yeah, i've been saying for about a year and a half now (though, i used to say "Revolution"): Wii > PS3

oh and "thatguy," my friend and i were just discussing how awesome a star wars lightsaber game would be, this afternoon. it would be sweet as hell.
Spaz18 said:
i think the wii will do great. i agree with all those guys saying "they're not releasing any secrets" and stuff like that. it'll probly come out with something that will knock the PS3 onto its A55. but yeah, i've been saying for about a year and a half now (though, i used to say "Revolution"): Wii > PS3

oh and "thatguy," my friend and i were just discussing how awesome a star wars lightsaber game would be, this afternoon. it would be sweet as hell.

That REALLY needs to happen, kinda like Red Steel, but you can fight right away and its with Star Wars people.
I can see it now...using the wiimote as a lightsabre, and then pushing the nunchuck forward for force push, nunchuk toward you is force pull, shaking the nunchuck is force lightning and pulling the wii mote and nunchuk together is force choke omg i see a Star Wars: Battlefront 3 ONLINE
Don't worry, there are a lot of games that are relatively unsung. Wii is going to be a popular console in the future IF it's proven over the next few months that it's still not a gimmick (some people are so hard to persuade...).

There are a lot of PS2 games that were not heard of but became incredible on release. Shadow of the Colossus, guitar hero, the Jak 1, 2 and 3 series. There's a lot of them, even Smash Bros. on N64 wasn't highly anticipated in some areas untill a few weeks after release and look at it now.

There are a couple games I've got my eyes on... I really think that Disaster: Day of Crisis was a very shoved-aside game in the Wii presentations of E3, but have a reoccuring feeling that if it lives up to the directors intentions, it'll become the next "Shadow of the Colossus" on the market scene.
It all boils down to market share. If the Wii keeps selling units, developers will come. If the Wii gets the penetration that Nintendo envisions (and from my experience, they will rope in the non-gamers in droves) developers will be fools not to follow.

I've had several close friends show up to try the Wii (2 non gamers, 1 graphics-first gamer, and a MMO gamer) and all of them loved the Wii. Of course my graphics-first friend complained that it was all too "kiddy" looking (he only played with Wii Sports), my non-gamer friends only complained that they would look like fools if their neighbors happened to see them playing, and my MMO gamer friend comes over now every other night to play. Considering how many others have reported similar experiences, I think Nintendo has a HUGE hit on their hands, and with that will come all the innovative, gameplay driven titles that Nintendo needs to keep in the pipeline for long term success.

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