Words you associate with WiiChatters

Wiired said:
I forgot you guys are the most important members on this forum, my bad.

Gahhh, mike don't take it the wrong way...... Just a sec, I'll find a quote from you yourself.

Edit: Gahhh, I can't find it. You said something along the lines of "this forum wouldn't be the same without them/makes the forum turn.....blah blah blah." something along those lines. :/
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I shall do myself then :)
lee.j - idiot, annoying , rock , blue
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Brawny said:
Gahhh...he missed tyler and Adam. :(
How's jill the only one of us three on the list?
Sorry mate, [strike]nothing[/strike] not much came up [immediately] when I thought of you (strange, I know, considering who you are on WiiChat ;)). I'll update as I think of more.

Also, this isn't just for me to tell you what I associate others with, add your own associations with others. :)
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TPOS....I have no idea who this guy is......

You have to be here more than 2 weeks to be known...unless you're in pokemon, that community is just crazy.

@Wiired...don't flatter yourself... :lol:...