Woo. I got COD: WAW. Any tips?

wow you all are really telling her to camp...camping is one of the things that starts to ruin matches (the onlines great but when people start camping it makes the game very unfun) thats going for the xbox 360 since i was addicted toi it on 360 i havent played it on wii yet however i know camping will be just as annoying
1. Do not stay in one place, camping is for noobs, much like the ones who say "camp".
2. If you have like 23 deaths and like 2 kills...leave, don't cause your team to lose more than what they are.
3. Adapt to the match, if your opponent is camping with a sniper, use your sniper and take him out. Another example is this; if you start the match with a semi, but your opponents are subb'in switch guns, you'll never kill 'em, unless your finger is as fast as light.
4. Walk against the corner's wall, there might be a bouncing betty - a mine placed on the floor that is pressure sensitive and will blow you to hell - it'll deactivate if you're close. Another way to deactivate it is to seek, aim, shoot.
5. Unless you're good, don't wander into the Veteran's deathmatch.
6. Don't gun spam, use as many weapons that you have/are good with, I use 6 a match (cuz i ar b3a5t).
7. Once you've shot your shot, move to a different spot, an enemy will use his radar (if he's smart/good) and take you out...much like I would.
8. If your opponents are camping, whip around their building and infiltrate..don't get owned taking them from the front.
I would suggest camping out for a while, but after a while if you keep killing the same person, then they will come looking for you and they will kill you. then you have to start your streak all-over again. which sucks, unless you are a total pwner. : )
u need 2 learn how 2 snipe real quick accuracy is what u need because u will get shot from hiding snipers. there r plenty of places for people 2 hide such as cliffside. lots of grass and high areas get 2 a high area or stay hidden and snipe them out! good luck im lvl 60 bcause of sniping booyah
u need 2 learn how 2 snipe real quick accuracy is what u need because u will get shot from hiding snipers. there r plenty of places for people 2 hide such as cliffside. lots of grass and high areas get 2 a high area or stay hidden and snipe them out! good luck im lvl 60 bcause of sniping booyah

That's an excellent strategy, after I prestiged I used nothing but the springfield with a scope and got good really fast with it. Learn to use the weapons you hate, same goes for maps. Adapt as much as possible, when you get overkill, use a sniper rifle for long range and a sub machine gun or regular machine gun for close/medium range. Flamethrower always helps too :p
thx for backn me up and the second u get the chance use the german sniper rifle the ptrs since its gas powered its fastr but b careful where u hide cause its easy 2 c the flash
u need 2 learn how 2 snipe real quick accuracy is what u need because u will get shot from hiding snipers. there r plenty of places for people 2 hide such as cliffside. lots of grass and high areas get 2 a high area or stay hidden and snipe them out! good luck im lvl 60 bcause of sniping booyah

i shouldve mentioned once u unlock overkill perk use and get a sniper and a submachine gun
1. Do not stay in one place, camping is for noobs, much like the ones who say "camp".
2. If you have like 23 deaths and like 2 kills...leave, don't cause your team to lose more than what they are.
3. Adapt to the match, if your opponent is camping with a sniper, use your sniper and take him out. Another example is this; if you start the match with a semi, but your opponents are subb'in switch guns, you'll never kill 'em, unless your finger is as fast as light.
4. Walk against the corner's wall, there might be a bouncing betty - a mine placed on the floor that is pressure sensitive and will blow you to hell - it'll deactivate if you're close. Another way to deactivate it is to seek, aim, shoot.
5. Unless you're good, don't wander into the Veteran's deathmatch.
6. Don't gun spam, use as many weapons that you have/are good with, I use 6 a match (cuz i ar b3a5t).
7. Once you've shot your shot, move to a different spot, an enemy will use his radar (if he's smart/good) and take you out...much like I would.
8. If your opponents are camping, whip around their building and infiltrate..don't get owned taking them from the front.
It can sometimes b btr 2 go 2 vtran because u can learn where all the pros hide then when u play them in regular team deathmatch find their hiding places dont stay there for 2 long though aftr u get the guy there run away and he will go back
Truthfully the best strategy of all is definately to be stealthy, do not follow patterns, be random, watch your enemy, stalk your enemy, and know your enemy. You start to see the same people and remember certain things they do or strategies they follow, so use it to your advantage, evolve, and you will soon be pretty good. I used to always use bouncing betties and place them in random places that are not at all obvious, and let them follow me whilst they were unaware that I knew they were right behind me, that worked pretty good. If you got them use them in narrow spaces and lead them in, guaranteed to get a few kills per game.
thats a pretty good stragety but once i got the bandolier i would have enimes fllow me around and then just turn around and unleash a hailstorm of bullets it ussualy doesnt work except with the mg42 fg42 and the dp28 but other then that just stay stealthy and look for some glitches in the game they can b helpful such as the 1 at castle it shadows u and its great for sniping just gta keep moving up there
thats a pretty good stragety but once i got the bandolier i would have enimes fllow me around and then just turn around and unleash a hailstorm of bullets it ussualy doesnt work except with the mg42 fg42 and the dp28 but other then that just stay stealthy and look for some glitches in the game they can b helpful such as the 1 at castle it shadows u and its great for sniping just gta keep moving up there

What is the shadow glitch? tell me on here or pm me if you prefer
What is the shadow glitch? tell me on here or pm me if you prefer[/QUOTE]

all right do a private match so u can get a good idea of it but if u go into the building with the partially destroyed roof look for the red tops 2 the walls then climb out of the big opening in the building jump on2 the red part and it takes u 2 the roof if u want me 2 show u how just give me your cod fc and i can show u n a private match
hey evrybody i have a new clan site set up check out the forums register all of that but i want this clan 2 show the cod waw wii world that we are not pushovers
check it out tf4.mywebsitclan.com