Wireless router setup/options. Help needed


Dec 17, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok, I am completely new to this forum because I have recently bought a wii like so many other people and am searching for questions. I am not very good with electronics so I was hoping some people could help me out with their knowledge. I have read several threads and stickies, but my ignorance on wireless routers have left me with very simple questions which I can't find the answers to. I know people are sick of seeing these topics, but I would really appreciate all the help than anyone could give me on these questions on basic router setup and compatibility with the wii:

1.) I have two computers and of course the wii. If I buy a wirless router, do i have to buy seperate chips for the computers? for 1 or both of the computers?

2.) Both my computers are pc's with windows xp. On the nintendo website with the lists of compatible wireless routers, I often see versions after the initial name of the router. ex - "Linksys WRT54G ver 3" When I look at websites like amazon for product info., they don't show anything about different versions ( I assume they are simply the newest ones). Are the versions crucial to the compatiblilty with the wii?

3.) I currently have two seperate dsl modems with ethernet cables so I can access internet on both the computers. The dsl modems are of different companies though. Will this cause problems if a wireless router of different brand is bought? and furthermore, should any wireless router be compatible with the computers themselves?

4.) In my house, both my computers are on the second story on the right portion of the house. My room and tv are on the first floor on the opposite side of the house (about 50 ft. away and 2-3 walls inbetween). Will any decent wireless router easily reach the wii (different ground levels)?

Thank you so much for helping me. Sorry my questions were so wordy and possibly redundant on the forums. I simply don't have the technological skills necessary to find this out on my own. Please help me.
1) No, most wireless routers also have wired ports, just like your regular router, so you can hook them up via the regular ethernet cables. Unless you want your PCs to be wireless too, in which case, yes you will need to get a wireless card for each PC.

2) Well, you want to get the latest versions, but what is really important is that the router broadcasts over 802.11b or 802.11g standards. This will usually be in the router tech specs on the box or manual, or the online product spec.

3) Do you have two separate DSL lines? If so, you're really wasting your money, unless the PCs are really far apart. You just need one DSL modem -> one router -> Multiple PCs/Wii/etc. In any case, you would be hooking your router up to just one of the modems, and there shouldn't be any problems. And no, there are usually no compatibility issues between PCs and routers.

4) An 802.11g router is your best bet, but make sure you can return the product if it doesn't work out for you.
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Ok, thanks a lot. I really appreciate the help and useful information.

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