Wireless Hack for NES and SNES Controllers

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ronjon13 said:
umm the classic controller is $24 and is exactly the same shape, it even has a home button
They are definitely not "exactly the same shape."

And like FRuMMaGe said.. it's not about spending 20 dollars for a "Classic" controller.. it's about putting in some time and creating something worthwhile out of something truly "classic."

sarspants said:
Besides, the controllers wouldn't be right because there has to be a place for the batteries.
These controllers actually run on iPod Mini batteries, which are much lighter and slimmer than AA or even AAA batteries. However, the batteries can be costly and make up a good chunk of the 80 dollars.
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naisatoh said:
They are definitely not "exactly the same shape."

These controllers actually run on iPod Mini batteries, which are much lighter and slimmer than AA or even AAA batteries. However, the batteries can be costly and make up a good chunk of the 80 dollars.

At least the batteries are rechargeable. Unfortunately, you may only be able to charge them in an iPod mini :lol:
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I have purchased my used SNES controllers and will begin disassembling/reassembling as soon as I receive the other components. Since I don't have much experience in this sort of thing and since I imagine many of you don't either, I will be updating this thread with simplified instructions as I figure out different aspects of the process. Stay tuned!
Yea, I haven't tried to convert anything from wired to wireless, so I'm completely useless on the subject.

The only thing close to this that I've done, is mod a mouse and a joystick together for FPS games. The hardest part to that was desoldering to extend wire lengths though - not very tough.

Hopefully you get it working, G/L!
ha, I was jsut going to start a topic about this! Guess it is already common knowledge. Glad I didn't and then got yelled at.
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