Wired network questions


WiiChat Member
Nov 14, 2006

I have a wireless and wired network, one acess point for wireless and several for wired.

The problem i have is connecting to the wireless in my room on my laptop is fine at best, but my wii dosen't pick it up as good.

For example it does not have the new channel + My wired is quiker so i want to use that.

Moving on to my question if i was to use a USB to Lan adpater, should i buy the offical Nintendo wii lan adapter or could i just by a cheap one that seems to do the same

I'd say go with a nintendo brand, there has been a lot more problems going around with off brand USB lan adaptors, though, I would say stay with wireless, I use wireless myself and had some problems (like everyone else), but changed my wireless channel to 1 and it worked like magic, I also have a nice fast wireless connection on it, unlike what others seem to be getting from it

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