Will US Will Work in the UK?


WiiChat Member
Apr 16, 2007
Hi all,

I've got a friend who is currently in the US and I'm thinking of asking them to buy me a Wii over there (cos it's cheaper than in the UK). I know that the electrical power (voltage) will be different, but does anyone know if there's anything else I need to be aware of? Has anyone else in the UK bought their Wii in America?


no exept u need a adapter to plat a forren console u can buy em all over the place. and im not to sure about if the games will work just seack it on google

welcome to the site
Hey man welcome to the site.
Regarding your question, the wii may be able to only play US (NTSC) games because the European standard is the PAL.
i also have a us wii in the uk,

you will have to make sure your tv can accept a NTSC signal. if its made in the last 5 years you should be ok.
yeah, like some have said, the power supply will need to have a convertor.

also your tv will need to compatable with ntsc signals...

the main thing you need to remember is that you wont be able to play uk games, you will have to get US imports to work on it
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jaybadass, do you think the savings in buying from the US (probably something around £50) is worth the possible hassle of having to buy imported games?
I think you would be better off buying a UK Wii.

I bought an American SNES when it was released, mainly because the games played better (faster and no black bars) than the PAL versions. Nowadays though there is little difference between an NTSC game and a PAL one other than the release dates so unless you can get it modded to play UK games there isnt much point.

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