Will the Controler make you tired?

I played guitar hero for 1hour yesterday my hand hurt and my shoulder
umm well first off, the controller will do nothing but make the games even better than before, and if u do happen to get sore, than play a different game/take a rest.

P.S i dont think the controller will way enough to make u sore i mean come on its not like ur gonna have to swing ur hardest to hit the ball
but your going to be swinging around a lot so that would also make you tired. it doesnt matter how much the controller weighs, youre still going to get tired
The reports from E3 said the controller is surprisingly light so you could play for a couple hours without getting. Or just build your endurance like Pit said
you know, if you get tired and have to take a break, do it. It's not like anyone NEEDS to play for 7 hours anyway. I personally don't think it will be a big deal...the advertisements are probably somewhat exaggerated just to make it seem more eye catching. The people in the E3 videos don't look too strained. And I think the guy hiding behinf the couch playing metroid and jumping out is just for show of course...there can only be so much movement before it inhibits the players ability to actually play the game.
I can't see how it would make you tired. Even doing it for an hour doesn't seem hard on your body. But that may just be me, as I exersice for a few hours a day.
And it just so happens I use my wrists quite a lot.

and the wii is going to be funn. Even if you get a little tired, you won't really care. You won't feel it as much as you think because of the fun.
you could use four wiimotes for a 1 person wirkout "game". A wiimote for each hand and one strapped to each ankle. I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!
Dav_4550 said:
you could use four wiimotes for a 1 person wirkout "game". A wiimote for each hand and one strapped to each ankle. I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: that would be so much fun! but you probably would look retarded dancing around
Its a lightweight controller its not like your liftting weights. Besides its kinda the core idea of the wii to get you off the couch and moving around with friends
I wouldn't be too worries about getting tired from pointing with that controler. If you do get tired, you've probably been playing for way too long. Now DDR on the other hand...
Yeah Bill Gates tried to hit on this subject too, i really dont think it will be that difficult, and like said alot before..take a break if you get tired

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