Will the Controler make you tired?

It's not going to be like your goning to be doing to strenuous activities with the remote anyway
Ya ppl why r u getting so ancy about this stuff, its probably like a 2 gram remote and all u do is flick ur wrists whenever u need to move something, u guys r talking about working u'r core, and getting tired in 1 measly hour. C'mon! I don't care how weak ur wrists r or how unfit u r, there's no way this is going to be a strenuous task. It's funny listening to u guys talking about how hard it'll be on ur bodies and stuff.
People seems to worry a lot about that, but I dont see why!?... Let me explain. When you start playing tennis. You can't play for 3 hours consecutive or your arm will be dead. But now, if you play 2hr, then next day a lil more, then next day again a lil more, your arm will get used to it and become endurant. Thatll be the same with the Wiimote. Also, the Wiimote is said to be really light so itll help a lot! Im pretty sure we won't have problems to play 20 hrs consecutive on the release day :D . rawfl!
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!panic said:
People seems to worry a lot about that, but I dont see why!?... Let me explain. When you start playing tennis. You can't play for 3 hours consecutive or your arm will be dead. But now, if you play 2hr, then next day a lil more, then next day again a lil more, your arm will get used to it and become endurant. Thatll be the same with the Wiimote. Also, the Wiimote is said to be really light so itll help a lot! Im pretty sure we won't have problems to play 20 hrs consecutive on the release day :D . rawfl!
Lol, I am already play tennis for 8-10hr.s a wk. so i'll be able to play for hr.s like u said already.:lol:

But seriously, i've seen X/PS/N fanboys, they're quite large. But no more! Nfanboys will take the rest down w/ their fit, hardcore bodies. Yarrrgh!!!! This is hilarious, not the idea that there could be an adv. to using the wiimote to get more active, but it's hilarious to think u could get a workout w/ it. But then u guys will be the ones laughing when sweat's dripping down my face as I battle a ninja while playing Red Steel:p
lol There is so much new stuff coming the Wiimote wouldnt be anything to worry about...You wont think about it when you play lol
ssbb_lover said:
But seriously, i've seen X/PS/N fanboys, they're quite large. But no more! Nfanboys will take the rest down w/ their fit, hardcore bodies. Yarrrgh!!!! This is hilarious, not the idea that there could be an adv. to using the wiimote to get more active, but it's hilarious to think u could get a workout w/ it. But then u guys will be the ones laughing when sweat's dripping down my face as I battle a ninja while playing Red Steel:p
Ahahaha! Im pretty sure one of the reason Xbox Fanboys and Playstation Fanboys dont like the Wii its because they wont be able to keep up with the Wiimote and will get sliced in two in Red Steel :lol: That will make Fat PS Fanboy Slices! Oh and BTW, Gratz SSBB_Lover on your 900 posts :D
!panic said:
Ahahaha! Im pretty sure one of the reason Xbox Fanboys and Playstation Fanboys dont like the Wii its because they wont be able to keep up with the Wiimote and will get sliced in two in Red Steel :lol: That will make Fat PS Fanboy Slices! Oh and BTW, Gratz SSBB_Lover on your 900 posts :D
Lol, Thx.

Ya really, they'll be jealous...they already r jealous.

Watch the wii make ppl more healthy and active and then it gets on the news and the video gaming society bans PS and Xbox for making kids more unhealthy and the N's all that's left. That'll happen....:p
Mr_Stoukaph said:
but your going to be swinging around a lot so that would also make you tired. it doesnt matter how much the controller weighs, youre still going to get tired

You wont be swinging too much, the people in the ads are exaggerating. If u watch the E3 clips of people playing, most games only require a nice slow movement of ur wrist or ocationally a flick. But then again i can imagine some games would use more, but not too much.

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