WiiWare Game Question?


Big Momma
Mar 27, 2008
Wii Online Code
1) they should make a wiiware section on the forums
if this is in the wrong spot please correct me.

2) Is my Aquarium a good game? I have 500 wiipoints left and im debating between that game and some more downloadable content from Guitar Hero world tour. It looks pretty fun considering you can get all kinds of fish and breed them with all kinds of aquariums but i want some opinions. what did you think of the game?
The site owner is never around I did put forth to him a idea for a section for this stuff.
I also said a area just for Pokemon (all things) and one just for posting what has just come out (and a few mods as our old ones have buggered off)
My Aquarium isn't a game .. .. .. get the DLC with the points
1) good idea! (meanwhile check out the nintendolife website for Wiiware reviews & discussions, not as active as here but useful)

2) My Aquarium is more like a screen saver than a game. You just put fish and decorations in the aquarium and then let the fish swim around while listening to classical music. Not really anything to play with or do. Use your points for Guitar Hero.
Agreed with above posters. My Aquarium is basically a background/screen saver. Nice to have on during a cocktail party. Its fun for a few minutes creating the tank and choosing fish. Small kids might enjoy feeding the fish - my 4 year likes it cause he feels he is playing a game just like daddy.
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haha wow. i thought it was more of a game. well thanks.
It's not worth getting. You do however have to feed your fish to unlock more fish. Other than that it's just a screensaver.

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