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What is WiiWare?
Simply put, WiiWare is Nintendo's answer to Xbox Live Arcade or the PlayStation Store. WiiWare caters to either big name developers putting out arcade style games out through the Wii Shop for a cheaper price, or for independent developers to release their own games. There's several big name companies on board, such as SquareEnix, Konami, Nintendo, and Hudson Soft, as well as plenty of promising independent developers putting out games on the WiiWare.
Who creates the games for WiiWare?
Any developer can create them. Nintendo will have ZERO input on the development process. They're hoping the motion control aspects of the Wiimote will unleash new and original games never thought imaginable before.
The only input Nintendo will have is the pricing.
What if I want to make WiiWare games?
First and foremost, you need to be 100% serious about making games.
More than likely, unless you already have one, you'll need a game engine.
Garage Games is selling their Torque engine for WiiWare use.
Once you got the engine and a game idea ready to go, you'll need to apply:
How much do games cost?
Anywhere from 500 to 1500 Wii Points.
In American currency, that's $5-$15.
Again, all the pricing is set by Nintendo
When will WiiWare be released?
Japan: March 25th, 2008
North America: May 12th, 2008
PAL: May 2008
What games are currently available?
Until WiiWare is released here in North America, this section will refer to Japan only.
Cost: 1000 Points

Upload your Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl and raise them on a farm. Includes interaction with your Miis.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King
Cost: 1500 Points

Rebuild your kingdom after the tragic events of the original Crystal Chronicles in this revolutionary "Country-Building RPG."
Dr. Mario & Virus Buster
Cost: 1000 Points

Dr. Mario is back with full Mii and Wi-Fi capabilities!
Star Soldier R
Cost: 800 Points

Hudson's classic shooter is fully upgraded with a new 3D graphic engine and plenty more action.
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Wii
Cost: 1000 Points

Saku Saku Animal Panic
Cost: 1000 Points

Tenshi no Solitaire
Cost: 500 Points

Okiraku Ping Pong Wii
Cost: 500 Points

Cost: 1000 Points

What should I look forward to when North American gets WiiWare?
Here's what should be the best of the best, or at least the most intriguing when WiiWare is released.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King
Cost: 1500 Points

Rebuild your kingdom after the tragic events of the original Crystal Chronicles in this revolutionary "Country-Building RPG."
Release Date: May 12th, 2008
Defend Your Castle
Cost: 500 Points

An enhanced version of the popular flash game, you'll be required to ward off enemies attempting to destroy your castle in this zany and wild game that features up to 4-player action!
Release Date: May 12th, 2008
Eternity's Child
Cost: 500 Points

Play through Luc Bernard's fairy tale as you control two characters, with the nunchuck and Wiimote simultaneously, as you play through this beautiful and imaginative side scroller. Also coming to Nintendo DS.
Release Date: Q2 2008
With the exception of the American games, all pictures are from IGN.