'Project Bang!' (Wii) Announced

i dont wish exclusives on anyone.. everyone should be able to get a taste of every popular game...
it wouldnt hurt my feelings at all if mario or link made an apperance over to another console...
i love Rare games but if they were to be 3rd party for everyone to enjoy it would be best i think...
crazyman2 said:
oh boo you. i dont have a 360 mr. selfish. just cuz your a spoiled brat with your 3 consoles doesnt mean we all are. *whimper*

Spoiled brat? Im 20 years old. I bought them by hopping into my car, going to work, then depositing my check into a bank account. I then proceeded my way down to Circuit City, swiped my credit card and made my way home. I then opened the box, plugged it all in. It was truley epic...

btw, before these consoles, I never owned my own console because my parents dont buy me anything. I also had to put my money together with my brothers to buy N64.

So spoiled? I think not good sir!
T3kNi9e said:
I much rather have Rare with Microsoft. Banjo Kazooie 3 is gonna be great, especially with achievements. Should look really pretty too in High-def.

Agreed. I'm feeling quite eager to play this game. I hear RARE is giving the DS Viva Piniata. Look on IGN! So there ya go ya RARE+Ninty fans! :)
im sure they will get back to us... rare has always been the "whore of the industy" lol usally going where the money is... Damn you MS let her free...lol
we havent had alot of attention sence N64 but they still popped up on GC early on... they will be comming knocking on our window soon enough... "hey there mister wanna game?"

i have to admit everygame i played by Rare was awsome... never been let down yet...
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wezels please dont say hat mario and link could appear on another console because they cant. end of discussion. is halo on nintendo wii?
Um, he said:

"it wouldnt hurt my feelings at all if mario or link made an apperance over to another console..."

Im pretty sure he knows chances of that happening are about as much as I have a chance of finding and killing Osama.
+10 to Ruud for having a kickass first and last name.

+20 for caring about making games.
T3kNi9e said:
I much rather have Rare with Microsoft. Banjo Kazooie 3 is gonna be great, especially with achievements. Should look really pretty too in High-def.
or crappy and awkward. have you seen the trailer?
Yea I saw the trailer, there's nothing wrong with it. I saw some people complain about his nose rofl. As if I give a **** about the nose.

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