Wii's REAL Hardware Specs *Rumour*

clock speed is not the only factor for processor power, there are many factors that go into it, in the Pentium only days MHz were used as a basic comparison after IBM compatible was no longer sufficient, so consumers wouldn't have to look at all the specs and make their own uneducated decision. I have heard rumors that the 729 was not a valid speed and was just a measure given by a Nintendo rep of what the system was CURRENTLY running at, I believe this was on the dev system, the statement "currently" is supposed to be taken as it will run faster on full production but look what its doing at just 729 right now. until Nintendo updates their homepage with specs I won't believe anything spec-wise, and it was a user that wrote the 3.1 GHz and had no source, that is why it was removed.
i wouldn't doubt that the wii is at least 1.2ghz but maybe not it has to be at least better then the original xbox and ps2 probly just under what 360 has
Link_of_Hyrule said:
i wouldn't doubt that the wii is at least 1.2ghz but maybe not it has to be at least better then the original xbox and ps2 probly just under what 360 has

To be honest I predict the graphics to be somewhat more impressive than the Xbox, but not by much. And in the Wii's case it's substance over style anyways. But in no way do I see the Wii matching the shear processing power of the 360, or the PS3. But since it's Nintendo who cares :)
Yeh I think the Wii is going to be a bit better than the PS2 graphics..... so as much as i would love it to be true..i cant believe it
Icetrash said:
Yeh I think the Wii is going to be a bit better than the PS2 graphics..... so as much as i would love it to be true..i cant believe it

Even GameCube was better in in graphics than PS2. So Wii will have a lot better graphics.. somewhere between xbox and xbox360. i believe,
between xbox and 360? why not between GC and 360, GC HAD THE SAME GRAPHICS POWER AS XBOX! many people dont relize this, but if rumors are right it should be closer to a 360
Sovieto said:
between xbox and 360? why not between GC and 360, GC HAD THE SAME GRAPHICS POWER AS XBOX! many people dont relize this, but if rumors are right it should be closer to a 360

Actually it didnt have same graphics power than xbox. better than ps2 but not the same level than xbox.
why so pissed of? I could have said that graphics is somewhere between commodore64 and xbox360 and thats equally truth.
well i think its 3.1Ghz coz remember that french insider who said that nintendo are hiding the real power of the wii's graphics so there!:D
Hey Jakke its me Ketico. Actually the Specs for Gamecube where lower than the specs for Xbox and PS2. In my opinion the games for gamecube looked better than games for PS2 and some better than the original Xbox. When you've been in the business as long as Nintendo, you would know that you don't need super specs to make super graphics. The Wii will be fantastic gracphically.