Wiimotes & Accessories


WiiChat Member
Nov 12, 2007
Do we need to get the boxing gloves and sports paddles to play those kinds of games, or are these just something that attach to the Wiimotes and are just to make it more realistic looking and feeling? Thanks everyone! As you can tell, my wife and I are totally new to this whole gaming thing...we wanted this Wii to loose weight only....well, that's our excuse to one another to fork out almost $500 to play games....he he
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Cool...Didn't want to spend more money on things that aren't needed!!! Even though sometimes the boxing gloves could come in handy if I need to knock my wife out for real....he he...just kidding!!!
brewboy said:
Cool...Didn't want to spend more money on things that aren't needed!!! Even though sometimes the boxing gloves could come in handy if I need to knock my wife out for real....he he...just kidding!!!

hahahaha indeed , i know how you feel but a clonk over the head with a wii mote is far more effective
yeah, welcome to wiichat!

I hope you guys enjoy your new Wii :D

el-zilcho said:
hahahaha indeed , i know how you feel but a clonk over the head with a wii mote is far more effective


hahahahhaa cracked me up !! XD
phillepino said:
yeah, welcome to wiichat!

I hope you guys enjoy your new Wii :D


hahahahhaa cracked me up !! XD

yeah it cracked up my missus and my wiimote too !
Their just ways for third parties to cash in on the Wii's success.

They don't realise that the whole point of the Wii is that you don't have to use real clubs and rackets :lol:
The only thing that I think will help are teh gun attachments. everything else not needed.
I got K.O.'D by my wife on Wii Sports. The worst part is that my Mii's experience was alot higher than hers.

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