wiimote not working


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2007
hope someone out there can help.i recently purchased a wii and its been working fine that is until today....my wiiimote works fine in the main menu( i.e moving left ,right,up down perfectly).all buttons works fine aswell but when i go onto a game it dosent pick up my movement.Ive resynched and switched the console off for a few minutes but im still not getting any joy........would be glad of some help.....thx in advance
some games u cant use the remote liek that ex: super paper mario doesnt have that function unless u use tippe so u could be playing a game where u hold the wiir emote sideways n use the pad n buttons
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its happening on wii sports,and harry potter......its has been working fine all day but now nothing....do i have to keep resynching or is it the controller thats broken.....only had the console for 3 days
I'm having a similar problem .. the wiimote will work in Wii Sports but not in Wii Play. Hope its a simple fix.
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hey there zelda.....if you get any any help i would sure be grateful if ya could pass it on

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