Wiimote not making any movement


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2007
ive had my wii for just 3 days and all of a sudden my wiimote stopped working correctly. When im in the main menu i can move the cursor around and all the buttons work but when i go onto wiisports it wont detect my movement. its the same on 2 other games aswell......ive done all the syncing and ive even formatted it in the hope it would work right again but its still the same.............is it my sensor or my wiimote thats broke??? please help and thx in advance
Check your sensor bar, make sure it's plugged into the wii, that happened to me once, if that's not the problem then just call Nintendo
So does the cursor work in games? If so then it sounds like the accelerometer is stuck. Maybe try smacking it or slamming it on a table lightly to try to get it unstuck. That is only if the cursor is working but swinging the Wiimote and stuff isn't getting detected. If the cursor doesn't work in the games then the problem isn't with the accelerometer.
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checked my sensor its plugged in and ive checked all my settings.My cursor works in all the games (wii sports,harry potter and sonic) but just dosent detect my movements......i gonna give it a smack see what that does.thx again for the help so far
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well ive tried slamming it on a table but still no movement...not sure how hard to slam the wiimote on the table......i have a touch like a baby elephant and will probably end up breaking it all together:lol:
im having the same problem!!! what shud i do..help needed asap, im having party tomorrow!
Same problem

The same thing is going on with my wiimote. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
ive got mine working nicely! i just 'tap' the wiimote to my palm with onky a little force.

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