wiimote affecting your animals?

My Dog Hates My Wiimote

My poor dog is terrified of the WiiMote when I am playing Tennis or anything that involves swinging the Wiimote. She runs and hides. I make sure I put her outside before I play now.
roxygirl_em said:
My poor dog is terrified of the WiiMote when I am playing Tennis or anything that involves swinging the Wiimote. She runs and hides. I make sure I put her outside before I play now.
that happend when I was around my cousins dog...

is your dog adopted too?

honestly think there could me a connection between the old owners and the swinging wii-motes if you know what I'm saying
StevenNevets said:
that happend when I was around my cousins dog...

is your dog adopted too?

honestly think there could me a connection between the old owners and the swinging wii-motes if you know what I'm saying

That's what it's sounding like to me. That these dogs have been abused or at least hit in the past and they probably are afraid of the Wii-motes because they think they're about to be punished with them.
My dog just sniffs my wii-mote and stares at it (confused) when i am playing it. My cat hates me......if I just come one foot near it, it starts hissing and growling at me.....I hate it!
Cap'n Crunch said:
one of my friend's cat is having a sexual relationship with the wiimote.

LOL!! lets see them pics! i know you got them caught on camera ><
xXxWiixXx said:
My dog seems to be confused about it.
Every time I play with it he barks and doesn't stop.

My dog just lays there.... but he's old... so i don't know
my bird sits on the cord between the nunchuck and the rmeote and uses it as a swing why i play zelda... does that count?
hmmm odly enough my dog isnt upset by the wiimote but when we were setting up our miis she woldnt stop growling at the screen and barking. We play tons of games and watch tv all the time and this was the first time in 6 years that she has ever barked or takin any interest in the tv .... go figure
Well, my cat (when she is not devouring souls or enslaving entire planets)
doesn't like me playing wii at all because she gets less attention, also she has issues with the sensor (knocked it off 3 times now silly kitty)
Spiraea said:
That's what it's sounding like to me. That these dogs have been abused or at least hit in the past and they probably are afraid of the Wii-motes because they think they're about to be punished with them.

I guess in most cases it would be because of the dog being abused but in my dogs case she's just a sook. lol. I've had her since she was 9 weeks old so unless she had a bad experience in that 9 weeks, she's just a sook. lol.

So many things scare her. She was terrified of the garage for about 2 weeks recently even though we couldn't see or hear anything in there. Also, she loves teddy bears but this one teddy I got her she was terrified of and would run and hide. I had to throw it away.

I'm not sure if it's the swinging action of the WiiMote or the sound it makes from the Wiimote speaker when it swings. I try to keep her away from it to save scaring her, poor thing.
only thing that happens is when i play wii sports and i go from sitting, to standing up. My cat will steal my spot on the couch.

That or my dog comes out and sits infront of me.

Nothing unusual though.