Wiikly update for October 1, 2007 (US)

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This game has had some tweaks applied to it to make it more US friendly. You're paying for that. This isn't the first time, TMNT also cost a bit more.
$12 for the translation....sucks but im excited!! I bought me it!

Lost levels is a very good game too and YES its VERY HARD. (for me anyway...)

Why is Lost Levels so new to everyone? I had it on Mario All-Stars and beat it the same as any of the others. Weird. Oh well.
omg now i really feel ripped off by nintendo, first no suprise WHOOOOO! and now they make us pay 12 dollars for a N64 game and 6 dollars for a nes game! nintendo is really starting to make me mad lately
Napalmbrain said:
Wait, you guys get Lost Levels forever and we get the limited-time only BS? As if we needed any more proof that Nintendo hates PAL gamers. :mad5:

Ah well, I recommend you guys get Sin and Punishment. It has its flaws and it's pricey, but it's loads of fun.

Where & who said (please verify) PAL (USA) only get it for a limited time...
Is it the exact same as All Stars or is thier any difference?

I have Snes All Stars...but my Snes save capabilitys have gone missing (internal battery?) I can't save Super Mario World, Link to the past, or any Snes game on the Snes... so is the VC Better? and worth it? and only for a limited time?

Game on
mn777saint said:
Where & who said (please verify) PAL (USA) only get it for a limited time...

Nintendo said it, on our Wii Shop Channel. They took it off yesterday.

Is it the exact same as All Stars or is thier any difference?

Worse graphics, a few differences in some levels, nothing major.
Cartman58 said:
Why is Lost Levels so new to everyone? I had it on Mario All-Stars and beat it the same as any of the others. Weird. Oh well.

It's not new to me~ i remember getting it for free sent to me in the mail after i bought my SNES~ lol. The good ol' Days~
fo the mounth of oct i wounder why it is on tho. And i never play smb2 Jap i have the lame usa one (Doki doki paninc)