Conan the Librarian
round and round we go
I didnt complain about Genesis /Mega drive, even though half of them are crap, i dont comment about the Genesis games because im not as much of an expert. it would be nice to get a FEW TG-16 sprinkled in now and then.....not on a regular basis
Six Stringed Dildo, everytime you ***** about me ranting, I rant back at you even why dont you just deal with the fact that Im allowed to comment on a FORUM if I want to, thats what they are for......besides they are good natured and if I hurt your feelings for making fun of those shitty games than you are a tool bag. Looking at where you live, I know nothing else is going on in your town, so you might as well read anything you can get your hands on.
edit: and your poor family probably still uses that orange and green tupperware, thats why you are mad
Populous was ok at first, but turned into one of those games that just sits in a box in your room for eternity. Play Civilization, thats whats up.
And for anyone else that wants to complain, at least what I say is semi get on here every time and say this over and over again...."nintendo is not obligated to please you alone. You haven't the slightest idea what Nintendo has to go through involving liscensing to put games on the VC"........not only does everyone know this as it is common sense, but you are just repeating what other people have said 1000 times....It is monotonous and unoriginal, just like the VC sound like blind retards......bahahahahah! bahahahah! little nintendo sheep.
I didnt complain about Genesis /Mega drive, even though half of them are crap, i dont comment about the Genesis games because im not as much of an expert. it would be nice to get a FEW TG-16 sprinkled in now and then.....not on a regular basis
Six Stringed Dildo, everytime you ***** about me ranting, I rant back at you even why dont you just deal with the fact that Im allowed to comment on a FORUM if I want to, thats what they are for......besides they are good natured and if I hurt your feelings for making fun of those shitty games than you are a tool bag. Looking at where you live, I know nothing else is going on in your town, so you might as well read anything you can get your hands on.
edit: and your poor family probably still uses that orange and green tupperware, thats why you are mad
Populous was ok at first, but turned into one of those games that just sits in a box in your room for eternity. Play Civilization, thats whats up.
And for anyone else that wants to complain, at least what I say is semi get on here every time and say this over and over again...."nintendo is not obligated to please you alone. You haven't the slightest idea what Nintendo has to go through involving liscensing to put games on the VC"........not only does everyone know this as it is common sense, but you are just repeating what other people have said 1000 times....It is monotonous and unoriginal, just like the VC sound like blind retards......bahahahahah! bahahahah! little nintendo sheep.
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