Wiikly update for 12/17/07 (US)

round and round we go

I didnt complain about Genesis /Mega drive, even though half of them are crap, i dont comment about the Genesis games because im not as much of an expert. it would be nice to get a FEW TG-16 sprinkled in now and then.....not on a regular basis

Six Stringed Dildo, everytime you ***** about me ranting, I rant back at you even longer....so why dont you just deal with the fact that Im allowed to comment on a FORUM if I want to, thats what they are for......besides they are good natured and if I hurt your feelings for making fun of those shitty games than you are a tool bag. Looking at where you live, I know nothing else is going on in your town, so you might as well read anything you can get your hands on.

edit: and your poor family probably still uses that orange and green tupperware, thats why you are mad

Populous was ok at first, but turned into one of those games that just sits in a box in your room for eternity. Play Civilization, thats whats up.

And for anyone else that wants to complain, at least what I say is semi humorous......you get on here every time and say this over and over again...."nintendo is not obligated to please you alone. You haven't the slightest idea what Nintendo has to go through involving liscensing to put games on the VC"........not only does everyone know this as it is common sense, but you are just repeating what other people have said 1000 times....It is monotonous and unoriginal, just like the VC selections.......you sound like blind retards......bahahahahah! bahahahah! little nintendo sheep.
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Conan the Librarian said:
round and round we go

I didnt complain about Genesis /Mega drive, even though half of them are crap, i dont comment about the Genesis games because im not as much of an expert. it would be nice to get a FEW TG-16 sprinkled in now and then.....not on a regular basis

Six Stringed Dildo, everytime you ***** about me ranting, I rant back at you even longer....so why dont you just deal with the fact that Im allowed to comment on a FORUM if I want to, thats what they are for......besides they are good natured and if I hurt your feelings for making fun of those shitty games than you are a tool bag. Looking at where you live, I know nothing else is going on in your town, so you might as well read anything you can get your hands on.

Populous was ok at first, but turned into one of those games that just sits in a box in your room for eternity. Play Civilization, thats whats up.

And for anyone else that wants to complain, at least what I say is semi humorous......you get on here every time and say this over and over again...."nintendo is not obligated to please you alone. You haven't the slightest idea what Nintendo has to go through involving liscensing to put games on the VC"........not only does everyone know this as it is common sense, but you are just repeating what other people have said 1000 times....It is monotonous and unoriginal, just like the VC selections.......you sound like blind retards......bahahahahah! bahahahah! little nintendo sheep.

hey man, i'll take sides with you any day. i agree with you on most things and yr right, forums ARE for ranting! i'm new on this forum, but i've been around the 'internet' block a few times and:

(this goes to the sensitive ones)

if ranting bothers you, than get off the internet. c'mon! it's entertainment! jeez, some people take things so personal. also, yes, nintendo is the best video game company ever, but i think acting like they're yr little brother and backing them up with such ferocity when someone expresses their opinion is lame. of course, one has every right to do that, just as i have the right to post this and conan here has every right to post what he/she wants. c'mon people, take this stuff, laugh, and then throw it over yr shoulder.

also, conan, civilization is, of course, one of the best games ever made and i think it ruined my first marriage. can't wait for the console version to come out! hopefully us civ fans won't be disappointed. what are yr thoughts???
intr.up.td said:
also, conan, civilization is, of course, one of the best games ever made and i think it ruined my first marriage. can't wait for the console version to come out! hopefully us civ fans won't be disappointed. what are yr thoughts???

It didnt help mine either........some women just dont understand masterminding world domination. I think the console one will not be as good as the thrice updated Beyond the Sword for PC. Do I smell a challenge?
Conan the Librarian said:
It didnt help mine either........some women just dont understand masterminding world domination. I think the console one will not be as good as the thrice updated Beyond the Sword for PC. Do I smell a challenge?

haha. if only i had a pc! i use a mac so unfortunately i only have civ iv and warlords. oh boy, do i want "beyond"... reading about when it came out it seems it would be right up my alley. with the improved sneaking and what not. maybe once i get osx leopard and xp i'll pick up copies of all the civ's (i want the chronicles box set so bad) and start playing again. for now though its just my wii. :yesnod:
laderer5 said:
yes with nintendo's cold heart:mad5:

I want Smash Bros 64!

We will probably get Smash Bros. 64 on February 4th because it is the week before the release of SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL!!!

That is what they did with the metroid so i think that is probably what they will do with this one also as it is a big title and millions of copies are going to be sold on the first day!!!

So I Hope Im Correct On This One As I Dont Want To Be Correct On This One Because I Want It Sooner!!!
Actually Nintendo is halfway through the entire TG-16 library. If they don't count liscensed games like Tail Spin (was on the TG-16), then they are about... 60-70% done. By this point I just want priority on the Nintendo games. According to Reggie we'll start seeing more VC games launched per week next year. I'd rather have most AAA VC games launched in the first 2-3 years than wait 5-6 years for most of them while I look at games I'm never going to download.
Conan the Librarian said:
round and round we go

I didnt complain about Genesis /Mega drive, even though half of them are crap, i dont comment about the Genesis games because im not as much of an expert. it would be nice to get a FEW TG-16 sprinkled in now and then.....not on a regular basis

Six Stringed Dildo, everytime you ***** about me ranting, I rant back at you even longer....so why dont you just deal with the fact that Im allowed to comment on a FORUM if I want to, thats what they are for......besides they are good natured and if I hurt your feelings for making fun of those shitty games than you are a tool bag. Looking at where you live, I know nothing else is going on in your town, so you might as well read anything you can get your hands on.

edit: and your poor family probably still uses that orange and green tupperware, thats why you are mad

Populous was ok at first, but turned into one of those games that just sits in a box in your room for eternity. Play Civilization, thats whats up.

And for anyone else that wants to complain, at least what I say is semi humorous......you get on here every time and say this over and over again...."nintendo is not obligated to please you alone. You haven't the slightest idea what Nintendo has to go through involving liscensing to put games on the VC"........not only does everyone know this as it is common sense, but you are just repeating what other people have said 1000 times....It is monotonous and unoriginal, just like the VC selections.......you sound like blind retards......bahahahahah! bahahahah! little nintendo sheep.

Namecalling? How intelligent! Almost as intelligent as your posts. Excuse me if I have better things to do than ***** to a bunch of strangers in online forums and prefer to post messages that are actually somewhat constructive. Your posts humorous? Maybe at 9th grade level (no offense to anyone in here that is in the 9th grade). Humorous... maybe (at the VERY least). Whitty? Absolutely not. Especially when they're so ungodly long. Free advise: More words does not make your post more logical, if anything it has a reverse effect.

And who's repeating what here? I think there's actually TOO MUCH whining on forums, thus YOU are repeating what has been said 1,000 times. We get it already, you don't like the VC games eventhough there are more than enough games on there worth downloading. Get over it.


Edit: Conan, I really couldn't help but notice how funny you actually are. I finally was able to get through the Bible that is your post and noticed you said some half-whitted comment about where I live... I'm poor and use tupperware and need to read... whatever. Do you know where Noblesville is? It's in Hamilton County, which is... let's just say it's not the poorest county in the nation.

You crack me up, buddy.
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Damn you Nintendo!!! Every week I check to see what is out for VC and every week I am disappointed! Come on, what about Pilot Wings or PilotWings 64??

1. Cybernator is awesome.

2.TG-16 is proving to be awesome imo. People that complain about it won't give it a chance, and would rather cry about it because they didn't play it when they were kids. They're just nostalgic retards who won't download a game they have never played.
Conan the Librarian said:
This would be like our parents having a Tupperware update every week, and for like $10 they can buy that 1960's orange or green **** colored tupperware.....you know the orange or green im talking about!!!! damkn those colors........those are the colors of all of these games.......puke green and baby **** orange.

although the rant was long and pointless and isnt gonna get you the games you want next week and a waste of my time reading, i did really like that analogy. made me laugh so i am actually glad i read to the end. other then that, shut up haha, i dont like the games either, so guess what? im not gonna get em... but ya thanks for the laugh again ahaha
sagema said:
Actually Nintendo is halfway through the entire TG-16 library.

That is a good point, cant be too many left.

SixStringedStress said:
Namecalling? How intelligent! Almost as intelligent as your posts. Excuse me if I have better things to do than ***** to a bunch of strangers in online forums and prefer to post messages that are actually somewhat constructive.

Thats what you are doing now.

SixStringedStress said:
Your posts humorous? Maybe at 9th grade level (no offense to anyone in here that is in the 9th grade). Humorous... maybe (at the VERY least). Whitty? Absolutely not. Especially when they're so ungodly long. Free advise: More words does not make your post more logical, if anything it has a reverse effect.

And who's repeating what here? I think there's actually TOO MUCH whining on forums, thus YOU are repeating what has been said 1,000 times. We get it already, you don't like the VC games eventhough there are more than enough games on there worth downloading. Get over it.

blah blah blah I wont quote the rest.....

Its humorous to ME and thats the only thing that counts.....
I just vent when shitty games come out and compliment or recomend good ones.....why dont you ***** me out when I recommend a good game for someone? Its the same thing really.

No you are repeating, NO YOU ARE, NO YOU ARE!! you sound like a ****ing baby. You sound like a little kid trying to impersonate an adult, and in the process, doing exactly what you are accusing me of.

Am I familiar with your county?@?@?@No Im sorry, Im not that familiar with any white trash rural areas....Hey buddy, as long as I dont know you, and you are telling me on a weekly basis to shut up, you live in Eat a Bag of ****-sville as far as i;m concerned, so why dont you strap a muffler to you pie hole?.......are you trying to impress me with where the house your mommy and daddy own is?

Now see dumbass? like you do every week, youve now generated 2 more biblical posts........
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