WiiChat's MSN Chat

I wasn't even going to post, but then I felt that I needed to post to say this...
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  • #18
ssbb_lover said:
I wasn't even going to post, but then I felt that I needed to post to say this...
dont be silly ssbb, youre in the CMWA. dont let frogger trick you otherwise. ;)

CMWA is a VERYyyy exclusive club, invite only.
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CMWA sounds pretty neat, who came up with that?

Hopefully more people add their emails that I don't already have, never hurts having more WiiChatters.
You mean it's an invisible "Vet Lounge" that we've been wanting for months now? :-O How'd you sneak it pass the staff?
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  • #22
CantGetAWii said:
CMWA sounds pretty neat, who came up with that?

Hopefully more people add their emails that I don't already have, never hurts having more WiiChatters.
me, unfortunately for most.

dont worry, in time, everyone who deserves to be in the CMWA will be invited. :wink:
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Sovieto said:
dont be silly ssbb, youre in the CMWA. dont let frogger trick you otherwise. ;)

CMWA is a VERYyyy exclusive club, invite only.

I'm just subscribing, and no, I'm not going to mask it by adding something to the topic at hand.

Do something about it.
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  • #24
ssbb_lover said:
You mean it's an invisible "Vet Lounge" that we've been wanting for months now? :-O How'd you sneak it pass the staff?
vet lounge? PSH. i will hear nothing of. this is actually different in some ways. but rule #1 of the CMWA is

#1 - The CMWA is not you, it is not me, or anything else, it is and only is the CMWA.

okay, everyone, make sure to add me, and i will try to invite you asap.
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Adium = Forced adding of contacts...

Very annoying.
Celeste said:
I'm very socially awkward at first, and I hardly ever do the initiating of conversations because I always feel like I'd be bothering someone.

Story of my {MSN} life. I hardly get on anymore. Usually just text...

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