WiiChat Xbox 360 Game Night Ideas

Do's it nao? Also need Tyler's GT for maximum =)age.

Completed Modern Warfare 2 (cheevs) yesterday. =D
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  • #242
Tomorrow I can.

And I beat MW2 on veteran a while back, I need to do spec ops though.
Perhaps I will purchase GoW2 simply to instill more awkward quietness in Foxy's games.

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  • #247
So.. how 'bout those locusts...
Yeah... they look kinda mean

Yeah... mean lookin' locusts

The GOTY version of GeoW2 is pretty cheap nowadays and has all the content
I would be more interesting than that. I'd almost definitely say, "Nice kill" somewhere in that negative space..

I'll probably finish GoW before buying GoW2.. I don't like the mechanics a whole lot, but it's still not a bad game. It wears on me like Bioshock does and I have to take long breaks from it, but I'll hop on it soon.
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  • #249
I want to get GeoW back. I beat it on a different 360 so I don't get the bonus characters on my GeoW2 multiplayer. Bad times.
Well...found out I was 5 hours late to work so i had to cut my online time short. I'm on now if anybody wants to HORDE with me.
Also, getting Bioshock and Onechanbara soon.
I want to get GeoW back. I beat it on a different 360 so I don't get the bonus characters on my GeoW2 multiplayer. Bad times.
GeoW.. clever. Although the distinction isn't really needed in a 360 thread focused on online multi-player.

Bonus characters sound good..
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  • #252
It's a fun game, I used to love it. Playing it a lot less now, but I'd love to go back and do some horde and campaign.

The online multiplayer, not so much.
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  • #254
You get what I mean. There's Horde then there's competitive multiplayer.
I currently have my friend's copy of Gears 2. If we can find a time that I'm not working, studying, sleeping, or puking, then maybe I'll play ^_^

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