WiiChat / Nintendo Switch Forum Upgrade


WiiChat Admin
Staff member
Aug 18, 2009
You might notice some things look a little different around here. We are in the process of upgrading WiiChat to new forum software and a possible name change down the road to rebrand the website for the upcoming Nintendo Switch.

We have worked really hard to make sure there was no loss of any content from WiiChat. That includes private messages & profile information. We feel the archives on the site are very important and will help many people for years to come.

If you notice something missing, or something not working right please let us know in this thread. It's going to take a few days to iron out all of the bugs so please be patient with us!

Thanks - WiiChat Staff
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Hmm.. Let me check on that next week.
Well, it's been some time since this post and I have a serious question.
What's going to happen to this place? It's literally dead here like just "An END of an ERA" kind of dead/gone.

It's sad but it's the truth.
Will the site be shutting down finally? Will undergo a change again to bring it up to speed with the Nintendo Switch times?

It really should of been rebranded a Switch site for it to carry on
It would be great for one of us to gain ownership of this site. Clean it up, update everything, archive the old and HTTPS protect this place so it doesn't scare so many people off. Could make affiliates with other forums and actually get a relevant push going again. I certainly don't have the money for it, but if I did I would. Right now it's just a crawler bot highway.

Hmm..I agree with you fella's.
If I had the way I would gladly purchase the place and do something with it. With the Switch not even having a messaging function built into it; an up to date switch dedicated forum would be booming like crazy! At least in theory (and in my mind) it would work. I don't know but I'll still remain hopeful. One things for sure though and that is if this place really does end up shutting down finally then I want to be notified through my sign up email or something because much like my Monster Hunter game servers (when shut down) and my MUGEN eve servers..

I was right there to the very last bittersweet second
i dont know a fucking thing about domain ownership


and i dont have my banhammer

. . . . . . .

and i spent all of my pokedollars on pokepuffs

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

but if the wiichat ship were to ever set sail once more


i will splash a lot and be moral support...
Who owns the site and how much is it to buy? I got $5 to bid

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