WiiChat Moderation

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You know when a post is reported
Who sees it
Im just wondering I use it a lot and it seems to be ignored

When a post is reported, an email is sent to the moderators. From now on, I'll be checking my email more frequently.
My suggestions:

FR. - Seems to have a strong grasp of the rules and the posts I've seen have been helpful to other members.

Byuakuya - Very welcoming, friendly and mature member.

Cpt.McCloud - Regular member who takes pride in trying to improve this site.

blueovalboy7 - Another regular member that conducts himself in a mature manner.

I would also be glad to help moderate Wii Chat.


-On regularly in an Australian time zone
-Previous experience moderating other forums
-I always try to help others members, and don't draw a line between the experienced Wii Chatters and the newcomers
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Syntax said:
When a post is reported, an email is sent to the moderators. From now on, I'll be checking my email more frequently.

Well I have reported a few threads so far today (one new member started a flame war with someother member)

Perhapps if instead of it being emailed it whould appear in a room of its own that whould be quicker
My post got ignored by both mr. red mushroom and mr. blue mushroom =(
LevesqueIsKing said:
I thought of someone :)


Seriously needs to be appointed. He's been working extremely hard and has been dedicated to the betterment of this site.

Appreciate the nomination.

Personally I think I would be a good candidate for a Mod.
I help new members, and other members/normal visitors when help is needed.
Quite active, during the day and the night. I don't always post, but I am here.
I try to help out where I can, and I enjoy posting things for others to discuss.
I think I am pretty mature, and handle myself pretty nicely on here.

I love this community and the people we have on here, and being a part of this community in another regard, well I'd be honored.

Others I feel deserve to be Mod.

Cpt. McCloud
Well I have reported a few threads so far today (one new member started a flame war with someother member)

Perhapps if instead of it being emailed it whould appear in a room of its own that whould be quicker

One of the requests which I've talked to i0n about is having the reported post messages being directly sent to a moderators private message in box. Hopefully, we'll see a feature like that added. Thus, making it easier for those who moderate the site.

On topic:

Nice candidates there Eagles.

ps thanks syntax. pps go flames! boo canucks.

Well if you get any more emails you will know that there from here or are from PENIS enlargement placeies
LevesqueIsKing said:
I thought of someone :)


Seriously needs to be appointed. He's been working extremely hard and has been dedicated to the betterment of this site.

Ugh, yeah. I think Brandon would make a good mod. He's also respectful, and he has responsibility.

Prez! :p
You should do that thing they did on house (the tv show):
"Hire" a bunch of people (a.k.a. nominees) and give them limited powers. If they're good, they stay. If they mess up and/or violate the rules they get "fired". Last say... 3 standing become official mods.
Darkprinny said:
Well I have reported a few threads so far today (one new member started a flame war with someother member)

Perhapps if instead of it being emailed it whould appear in a room of its own that whould be quicker
well i only get emails of reported posts in my sections. if i got them in all sections i could temp. use prez's account and delete posts/lock threads that are reported. also some posts that get reported dont have any material that breaks the rules so it stays. i like when new members report posts because they think the user who they are reporting is going to see the message and writes things like "you ****ing **ck sucking faggot!" it ammuses me and gives me someone to ban :ihih:
I have yet to receive a report similar to the one you've mentioned. Although, I do have over thirty-one emails alone from WiiChat in my email... I've since gone through most of them. Many of which pertained to posts regarding the member toltool.
Meh I just reported his op and that spam bot that keeps appering(in each of the threads)
I have kinda herd of a way that might stop them (it seems to work on some other forums)
There way way to put a pic on the regestration screen (not the text one) then they had to type the name of what it was (spambots dont have eyes)

I wonder
Do you see who has reported it ?
Captain McCloud-Seems like he would like to better the site and the guy has a a good humorous streak to him which would make him likable even when a mod.

Byu-Has a mature approach to situations even the worst, also very welcoming and friendly.

Modding and being an Admin is really just dirty work. You lose all the fun of the forum and just are constantly blasting spam and snooping about making sure the other mods don't give people special treatment or unfair treatment, so you're also reviving accounts banning accounts, searching to see if a thread is redundant or not. Getting rid of advertisers, spammers, trollers, and on an old one I was on fanboys.

The power is awesome, the job isn't so I don't really know if I'd ever try it again. I'm actually thinking of starting up my own despite the work. Pass the duties after Christmas break.
Thanks for the nominations guys.
Here are three members who I feel are perfect for the position (in no particular order):
- F.R: I have known this member for a very long time, and all the posts that I have seen are always very helpful. Definitely Mod material.

- Cpt. McCloud: Again, a very helpful member who is also very popular, so I am sure that he will be a great Mod.

- CantGetAWii: This member is nearly always the first to keep us updated on the latest information surrounding games and other events and is a frequent poster, with each post aimed towards someone who needs help. He would make a great Mod.
I wonder
Do you see who has reported it ?

With every reported post, it mentions who reported the post and their email.
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