WiiChat Mario Strikers Charged FC List

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  • #49
Dont double post or spam, before to read the forum rules:)

I will update the list.
please can some1 add me!

please some1 add me i want an online agme right now! :)

my friend code is 451073 073769

if you want to play me then reply on this site asap please :D
Nintendo, Go on your user CP then look on the navigation bar to the left hand side and click list messages. it is displayed there. :lol:
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  • #57
Chazy,These threads are completly diffrent.

This is a list of all the codes, the other is just an exchange.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Chazy,These threads are completly diffrent.

This is a list of all the codes, the other is just an exchange.

The way I see it they are both on the forum for the same reason.

Anyway if this is to be the main MSC FC thread then I may aswell add myself.

Chaz -
309338 931234
Hey I finaly have this game, so Jam add my FC code :)

I will add you if you add me :D
This is meant for everybody :)

My code is in my sig.
Add and send a PM :ciappa:

Strikers FC: 476842 061961

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