WiiChat Interview Discussion

Ok cool...I don't go on very often so I'll just send it to you if I get picked...

I'd like to see Levesque or +M=M+ get interviewed though... =P
...meh I only have aim.

How long will it take to make an msn account?
I have AIM too, but Yahoo! only takes about 10-20 minutes...I have no idea about MSN, but since Syntax said they work together it doesn't REALLY matter =P
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An msn account is very simple to make and should take no more than five minutes. However you may have to download msn.
remember, I Can't PM For Some Reason...

My User CP Won't Let me. But Feel Free To Contact Me By Email.


I'm Glad That So many People want Me To Be Interviewed! ^_^
Makes Me Feel Special.
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WWL2P! When did you get back?

*nominates WWL2P* (as if she hasn't already been nominated 10+ times...)
Yeah, maybe you could tell us instead of Syntax? He does the interviews but you could announce them...? =P
Oh, ok...*sigh* =P I think he said he has a hockey game tonight though, so I hope he posts it before that...unless he's already there in which case...GOOD LUCK! =D

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