Wiichat halo3 bungie group

bigwilliiy said:
wtf, ok ill join but hold on.

im looking at my profile and i find a cow medal and when i mouse over it it says: Luke owes you a steak.? ideas?
I think you get that if you win a game by over 20 points or something like that. It says that as the description because someone at Bungie named Luke made a bet that they could beat someone else by twenty points and the winner gets a steak dinner or something like that. I don't know the exact details, but that is the relative idea.
Mitch2025 said:
accepted. i need more members because if i dont get enough by 59 days it will delete the group :(. however it doesnt say how many we actually need

No 360 yet, but I did reserve my gamertag (fortunzfavor) a while ago, so I joined up to help you get your minimum. Good luck.
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i almost forgot about this :sick: i just accepted everyone who joined
i just signed up all u need to do is approve

(i'm Roskov2007)...i know its in my sig:sick:

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