Wiichat Front Page changed


Hai :3. I'm back.
Aug 11, 2006
Australia, Melbourne
Wii Online Code
For a little while, the front page of Wiichat was changed to this:




What is i0n doing here? Is it leading up to a full change? And also the Wiichat says blah was a little strange. I know your up to something i0n, so explain :)!
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It's called a portal. Most styles of Bulletin Boards scripts (like VBulletin, phpBB, et cetera) allow the administrator to install modifications that will put portals on the front page.
All it does is, well, pretty much what you see it doing: displaying news and recent posts and things like that.
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I agree with Wiired. The advertisements spoil it :(. If he got rid of the ads, and made the board index bigger, it wouldn't have been bad :).
dan99iel said:
I agree with Wiired. The advertisements spoil it :(. If he got rid of the ads, and made the board index bigger, it wouldn't have been bad :).

i think he needs to put advertisements in
because he neexds to pay for this site
and if people click on the ad i think he gets a bit of money to keep the site going
i dont see any advertisements, becuase im always logged in....they go away after you log in.

Plus i0n needs those advertisments to help pay for the site....so stop complaining, i know what its like to be an admin, everyone wants different things. keep it up i0n!
Ha ah, my bookmark goes to my profile....I check my subscribed threads, after that I hit new posts or today's posts. I never look at the home page or the index, unless I have to link my tutorials to someone.

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